Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth.
A Wedding Gift Beyond Belief
14/08/2014 Duration: 59minIn this "bonus" podcast, your humble host shares some (often humorous) stories from his recent Alaska wedding, and then he asks the radio audience for a wedding gift. That probably not what you're expecting.VISIT THIS LINK TO GIVE YOUR WEDDING GIFT (and thanks!): a supporter of this podcast:
Parenting Without God
13/08/2014 Duration: 01h10minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR:'s a topic we cover occasionally, partially because the issue of secular parenting is such a relevant issue, and partially because the subject is often as complex and unique as the families navigating through it.How does a godless parent approach the teaching of a child as opposed to the indoctrination of a child? What are some successful methods for raising a genuine freethinker? What are some of the potential problems? In this episode, we share your perspectives and stories, and we also speak with Dan Arel, blogger, journalist and author of the new book, "Parenting Without God." ( the show: podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
The Unholy Trinity Tour Part Three: AronRa
07/08/2014 Duration: 27minIn the spring of 2014, atheists AronRa, Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty teamed up for a 3-city tour bearing the tongue-in-cheek-titled name, "The Unholy Trinity." This podcast features the audio from AronRa's San Antonio presentation, and it's part three of a 3-part podcast series from this tour. Enjoy. VIDEO of Aron's presentation is on YouTube: a supporter of this podcast:
The Unholy Trinity Tour Part Two: Seth Andrews
06/08/2014 Duration: 34minIn the spring of 2014, atheists AronRa, Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty teamed up for a 3-city tour bearing the tongue-in-cheek-titled name, "The Unholy Trinity." Seth's speech video on YouTube: podcast features the audio from Seth Andrews' Albuquerque presentation, and it's part two of a 3-part podcast series from this tour. Enjoy. Become a supporter of this podcast:
The Unholy Trinity Tour Part One: Matt Dillahunty
05/08/2014 Duration: 36minIn the spring of 2014, atheists AronRa, Seth Andrews and Matt Dillahunty teamed up for a 3-city tour bearing the tongue-in-cheek-titled name, "The Unholy Trinity." This podcast features the audio from Matt Dillahunty's Amarillo presentation, and it's part one of a 3-part podcast series from this tour.Video of Matt's speech is here: Become a supporter of this podcast:
The Psychology of Belief
29/07/2014 Duration: 01h14minHow does the human brain accept rationality AND irrationality? What are the mechanisms at play when it comes to the acceptance of religious beliefs and claims? Are some people more predisposed to superstitious thinking than others? What are the best approaches to help promote science, reason, rationality and evidence-based thinking?Joining us for this show will be Dr. Caleb Lack ( a clinical psychologist and educator on psychology, critical thinking and science VS pseudoscience. He writes the "Great Plains Skeptic" column on the Skeptic Ink Network ( 13 Reasons to Doubt: a supporter of this podcast:
Dying with Dignity (with Wanda Morris)
22/07/2014 Duration: 01h10minSupport our sponsor: week's special guest is Wanda Morris, CEO of the organization, "Dying with Dignity." Wanda has been on the front lines of the Right to Die Movement in Canada for many years, educating the public, challenging government officials and fighting for patients' rights regarding end-of-life choices.In this podcast, we explore death, the fear of death, and the question of how humanity should approach life, death, suffering, compassion and dignity.LINKS: at IMAGINE NO RELIGION 4: a supporter of this podcast:
Questions and Suggestions
16/07/2014 Duration: 01h35minSupport our sponsor: week's show is a casual conversation where listeners submit questions and comments about the show, about activism in general, about their own lives and circumstances, and about whatever else might be on their minds.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Seth Andrews: The Ultimate Question
08/07/2014 Duration: 01h08minOn April 12th, 2014, Seth Andrews spoke in San Diego, California to a standing-room-only crowd at the VisionPulse Creative Event & Meeting Center. His presentation, titled "The Ultimate Question," dealt with religion, indoctrination, curiosity, fear and the liberation from superstitious chains. This is the audio of that presentation.VIDEO VERSION OF THE SPEECH: LETTER: thanks to:The Humanist Fellowship of San Diegohttp://www.hfsd.info San Diego Coalition of Reason a supporter of this podcast:
Counter-Apologetics: Part 2
01/07/2014 Duration: 01h19minMerriam Webster defines the word apologetics as:1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine)2) a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin and authority of ChristianityAnd apologists are everywhere, using lofty language and theological acrobatics to defend belief systems which can't otherwise be defended.This two-part podcast talks about many prominent apologists and their arguments, addressing many of the most commonly heard apologetic claims and examining those claims logically, rationally, morally and against the evidence.Last week's episode featured specific information about apologist arguments and tactics. This show is exclusively dedicated to listener calls with comments/questions. THE ATHEIST EXPERIENCE: http://www.atheist-experience.comJT EBERHARD: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Counter-Apologetics: Part 1
24/06/2014 Duration: 01h23minMerriam Webster defines the word apologetics as:1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine)2) a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin and authority of ChristianityAnd apologists are everywhere, using lofty language and theological acrobatics to defend belief systems which can't otherwise be defended. This two-part podcast talks about many prominent apologists and their arguments, addressing many of the most commonly heard apologetic claims and examining those claims logically, rationally, morally and against the evidence.This episode is a discussion between several experience debaters: Matt Dillahunty, Tracie Harris and AronRa. Next week's show will be fully dedicated to listener calls with comments and questions ( PHOTO: a supporter of this podcast:
The Human Journey with Dr. Carolyn Porco
18/06/2014 Duration: 55minDr. Carolyn C. Porco is an American planetary scientist known for her work on the Voyager missions to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the 1980s. She leads the imaging scientist team on the Cassini mission currently in orbit around Saturn. She’s also involved with the New Horizons mission launched to Pluto. She has authored more than 100 scientific papers. She has given two popular Ted Talks lectures. She has won numerous awards, including the Carl Sagan Medal presented by the American Astronomical Society for Excellence in the Communication of Science to the Public, she was named one of the 25 most influential people in space by Time magazine in 2012, and she was recently elected to be a laureate of the International Academy of Humanism.On this podcast, we talk with Dr. Porco about her work, about the exploration of our solar system and beyond, about science versus anti-science, and about this new age of discovery that has opened windows into the vast reaches of space.CAROLYN PORCO WEBSITE: http:
The Refining Reason Debate: Sye Ten Bruggencate VS Matt Dillahunty
10/06/2014 Duration: 02h03minOn Saturday, May 31st at the Marriot East in Memphis, TN, atheist Matt Dillahunty and presuppositional apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate took the stage before a live audience to debate the topic, "Is It Reasonable To Believe God Exists?"This is the audio of that exchange.The video version of this debate can be seen on The Thinking Atheist YouTube channel at: Become a supporter of this podcast:
What The Fossils Say (with Dr. Donald Prothero)
03/06/2014 Duration: 01h11minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: like the Institute for Creation Research declare that fossils prove a young earth and in no way contradict the creation account of Genesis. In fact, religious "scientists" and apologists worldwide declare that secular science isn't just incorrect about dinosaurs, fossils and the age of the planet, but that it might be a puppet of Satan himself, working to mislead a generation into accepting what creationists call "The Religion of Evolution."In this show, we welcome special guest Dr. Donald Prothero, professor of geology at Occidental College, expert in physical and historical geology, sedimentary geology and paleontology, and author of several books, including "Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters" and "Reality Check: How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future."So...what do the fossils say? Let's talk to a legitimate scientist and find out.SkepticBlog Website: http://www.skepticblog.orgTalk Origins Website: http://www.t
27/05/2014 Duration: 01h03minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: podcast is all abour your email. Share a story. Vent about a topic important to you. Ask a question. Share a humorous anecdote. Whatever.Email your letters to podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
God and the Constitution
20/05/2014 Duration: 01h11minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR:"The United States is a Christian nation!"We hear this charge quite often, usually accompanied by references to the Ten Commandments in government courthouses, references to God in the pledge of allegiance and on American currency, and most recently, in the ruling by the Supreme Court that government meetings can open with Christian prayers.In this podcast, we speak with David Niose, author of "Nonbeliever Nation," Amanda Knief, constitutional expert and author of "The Citizen Lobbyist," and Kelly Damerow, director of federal and state affairs at the Secular Coalition for America. LINKS:Religion Clause: http://religionclause.blogspot.comReligion Law: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Faith-Healer Fail
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h19minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: history, pastors, preachers, healers and holy rollers have claimed to directly channel God in the performance of miracles. The sick and afflicted stand in long lines to be touched and cured by these (supposed) conduits of divine healing power. But how effective are these healers? What types of miracles are claimed and received? What about those who received no actual healing benefit? Who profits from healing services and crusades? What are the tricks of the charlatans and fakes? And are they all fakes?This podcast expores the side of "faith healing" that you won't hear about during Sunday morning prayer.PODCAST #45: Faith Healers (with James Randi) #128: Religion & the Placebo Effect (with Dr. Andy Thomson)
Coming Out Atheist
07/05/2014 Duration: 57minSPONSORED BY:'s one thing to reject a belief in gods. It's another thing to actually broadcast that information to religious family, friends, employers, neighbors and even total strangers.In many instances, the consequences can be significant. Families divide. Friends disappear. Voices are raised. Accusations are made. In certain regions and cultures, the word "atheist" can get you hurt or killed.So what are some of the best tactics for "coming out" as a non-believer? In this show, we explore the subject, take your calls, and speak with Greta Christina about her new book, "Coming Out Atheist: How to Do it, How to Help Each Other, and Why?" podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Evolving Out of Eden (with Ed Suominen and Robert M. Price)
29/04/2014 Duration: 01h11minThis podcast is titled after the new book by Suominen and Price, available here: http://evolvingoutofeden.comEvolution has been proven beyond legitimate scientific dispute. We are evolved creatures, a process of random mutation and DNA crossover, genetic drift, horizontal gene transfer and natural selection. We are not the descendants of Adam.This is troubling to the believer in the Genesis account of Creation.In this podcast. Ed Suominen and Dr. Robert M. Price speak about the hostile territory outside of Eden…a place where dogma dissipates under the white-hot light of the evidence.Salon article featuring Ed Suominen: Price's "Bible Geek" podcast: a supporter of this podcast:
I Raised a Religious Child
22/04/2014 Duration: 01h18minWhat happens when you reject religion AFTER you've already raised your children to believe in God?How does a parent approach children to inform them that the years of church services, mealtime prayers, bible verses and godspeak were actually a mistake, and what are the potential repercussions and responses? Anger? Denial? Relief? Joy?This show talks about parents who, for whatever reason, raised children under religious teachings and rules and now find themselves in disagreement with doctrine they once held as Truth.Have an opinion or perspective? Email podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: