Data Skeptic is a data science podcast exploring machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and other data topics through short tutorials and interviews with domain experts.
Open Animal Tracks
17/09/2024 Duration: 22minOur guest today is Risa Shinoda, a PhD student at Kyoto University Agricultural Systems Engineering Lab, where she applies computer vision techniques. She talked about the OpenAnimalTracks dataset and what it was used for. The dataset helps researchers predict animal footprint. She also discussed how she built a model for predicting tracks of animals. She shared the algorithms used and the accuracy they achieved. She also discussed further improvement opportunities for the model.
Bird Distribution Modeling with Satbird
10/09/2024 Duration: 39minThis episode features an interview with Mélisande Teng, a PhD candidate at Université de Montréal. Her research lies in the intersection of remote sensing and computer vision for biodiversity monitoring.
Ant Encounters
26/08/2024 Duration: 31minIn this interview with author Deborah Gordon, Kyle asks questions about the mechanisms at work in an ant colony and what ants might teach us about how to build artificial intelligence. Ants are surprisingly adaptive creatures whose behavior emerges from their complex interactions. Aspects of network theory and the statistical nature of ant behavior are just some of the interesting details you'll get in this episode.
Computing Toolbox
19/08/2024 Duration: 38minThis season it’s become clear that computing skills are vital for working in the natural sciences. In this episode, we were fortunate to speak with Madlen Wilmes, co-author of the book "Computing Skills for Biologists: A Toolbox". We discussed the book and why it’s a great resource for students and teachers. In addition to the book, Madlen shared her experience and advice on transitioning from academia to an industry career and how data analytic skills transfer to jobs that your professionals might not always consider. Join us and learn more about the book and careers using transferable skills.
Biodiversity Monitoring
14/08/2024 Duration: 32minIn this episode, we talked shop with Hager Radi about her biodiversity monitoring work. While biodiversity modeling may sound simple, count organisms and mark their location, there is a lot more to it than that! Incomplete and biased data can make estimations hard. There are also many species with very few observations in the wild. Using machine learning and remote sensing data, scientists can build models that predict species distributions with limited data. Listen in and hear about Hager’s work tackling these challenges and the tools she has built.
Hacking the Colony
08/08/2024 Duration: 41minToday, Ashay Aswale and Tony Lopez shared their work on swarm robotics and what they have learned from ants. Robotic swarms must solve the same problems that eusocial insects do. What if your pheromone trail goes cold? What if you’re getting bad information from a bad-actor within the swarm? Answering these questions can help tackle serious robotic challenges. For example, a swarm of robots can lose a few members to accidents and malfunctions, but a large robot cannot. Additionally, a swarm could be host to many castes like an ant colony. Specialization with redundancy built in seems like a win-win! Tune in and hear more about this fascinating topic.
Primate Poses
31/07/2024 Duration: 32minDuring this season we have talked with researchers working to utilize machine learning for behavioral observations. In previous episodes, you have heard about the software people like Richard use, but you haven’t heard much from scientists modifying and using these tools for specific research cases. PhD student, Richard Vogg, is working with multi-camera set-ups to track lemurs and macaques solving puzzle boxes in the wild. His work is part of a larger movement to automate behavioral analyses of video data. Listen in and learn why this tech is useful and why multi-camera setups are a good idea for more reliably identifying poses and individual animals.
Generating 3D Animals with YouDream
23/07/2024 Duration: 01h09sGenerative AI can struggle to create realistic animals and 2D representations often have mistakes like extra limbs and tails. If 2D wasn’t hard enough, there are researchers working on generative 3D models. 3D models present an extra challenge because there is paucity of training datasets.In this episode, PhD students Sandeep and Oindrila walked us through their work on creating 3D animals using 2D data. Join us to learn about their pipelines, quality control, tie in with iNaturalist, and how this tech could streamline FX pipelines.
Weird Communication
15/07/2024 Duration: 38minToday, we sat down with Dr. Ignacio Escalante Meza to learn about opiliones and treehoppers. Opiliones, known as “daddy long legs” in the US, are understudied arachnids known for their tenacious locomotor behavior, sociality, and chemical communication. Treehoppers communicate through the stems of plants using vibrations. They can signal danger, attract mates, and communicate with their offspring. Join us to learn how researchers turn their vibrations into sound waves and study what they have to say.
Reducing the Impact of Ship Noise on Marine Mammals
01/07/2024 Duration: 36minHuman shipping operations have increased significantly in the past few decades. While that means international trade and cheap goods for humans, it also means the ocean has experienced an increase in noise pollution. This has a measurable negative impact on marine mammals and other aquatic life. Could mathematics be the solution? This interview explores how optimization techniques can guide voyage optimization in a way that handles multiple optimization objectives including fuel cost and sound reduction.
Analysis of Unstructured Data
28/06/2024 Duration: 27minRobbie Moon from the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business joins us to discuss the analysis of unstructured data and the application of NLP methodologies towards financial data.
24/06/2024 Duration: 37minHave you ever participated in citizen science? Do you want to? One of the most popular platforms for crowdsourcing biodiversity data is iNaturalist. In addition to being a great science tool, the iNaturalist app can help you identify the organisms you encounter every day. We talked to Executive Director Scott Laurie about how scientists use iNaturalist. We also got to discuss what makes iNaturalist’s AI species recognition so good, and how citizen scientists are constantly providing high-quality training data. Listen in and learn how this fun-to-use tool works, where it's headed, and how you can get involved.
Learn to Code
18/06/2024 Duration: 49minDo you code or are you interested in learning to code? Join us today and hear from three individuals that are at very different stages of their coding journeys. Becky Hansis-O’Neill (also our co-host this season) shares her experiences as a newbie who wants to learn more. Dr. Malia Gehan, a self-taught developer interested in studying plant phenotypes, explains why and how she and her colleagues learned to code and developed PlantCV. Finally, Dr. John Wilmes discusses his work as a professional mathematician and Machine Learning Research Engineer. Whether you are thinking about learning to code or an expert, we’re sure you will see a bit of yourself in this episode.
Animal Computer Interaction
10/06/2024 Duration: 42minYou’ve heard of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), now get ready for Animal Computer Interaction (ACI). Ilyena has made a career developing computer interfaces for non-human animals. She has worked with dogs, parrots, primates, and even giraffes. This is challenging because animals have a wide range of abilities and preferences. Parrots, for example, use their tongues to make selections on touchscreens. Listen in on our conversation and learn about interface development and testing with animals and how technology may improve animal welfare.
Ape Gestures
03/06/2024 Duration: 49minCat observes great apes in the wild and in the lab to crack the code of their gestural communication. We discussed the challenges and benefits of studying apes in the wild vs in the lab. Cat also shared how her lab identifies and studies ape gestures. It turns out that humans are pretty good at guessing what apes are trying to communicate with one another. Join us in this episode to learn more about the evolution of communication in great apes, and what we can learn from our closest relatives.
Evaluating AI Abilities
27/05/2024 Duration: 49minIn this episode, Kozzy discusses his endeavors to compare the cognitive abilities of humans, animals, and AI programs. Specifically, we discussed object permanence, the ability to understand an object still exists in space even when you can’t see it. Our conversation traverses both philosophical and practical questions surrounding AI evaluation. We also learned about Animal AI 3, a gaming environment developed in Unity where AI programs and humans can go head-to-head to solve different problems in a gaming environment.
HMMs for Behavior
20/05/2024 Duration: 45minThéo Michelot has made a career out of tackling tough ecological questions using time-series data. How do scientists turn a series of GPS location observations over time into useful behavioral data? GPS tech has improved to the point that modern data sets are large and complex. In this episode, Théo takes us through his research and the application of Hidden Markov Models to complex time series data. If you have ever wondered what biologists do with data from those GPS collars you have seen on TV, this is the episode for you!
Bioinspired Engineering
14/05/2024 Duration: 38minBrian Taylor shares his research on magnetoreception. Animals like birds and sea turtles use magnetoreception to use the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation, but it’s not a sense that’s well understood. Brian uses animal magnetoreception to engineer new ways to navigate the globe. Even cooler, he also takes hypotheses for how magnetoreception works in animals and uses computational simulations to digitally test them. Check out this episode to hear more about Brian’s research and learn more about this little known sensory ability.
Modelling Evolution
09/05/2024 Duration: 41minModeling evolutionary processes goes way beyond the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium we all learned in biology class. Natural selection comes from many sources like resources availability, mate preferences, competition. Modeling entire populations of organisms of different species is the holy grail of digital evolution. Join our discussion with evolutionary biologist and software engineer Ben Haller to learn about his work on SLiM and how it helps other biologists model population genetics over time.
Behavioral Genetics
30/04/2024 Duration: 47minIt’s almost impossible to think about animal behavior without thinking of dogs! Our canine friends are a subspecies of wolf that has been co-evolving with us for tens of thousands of years. The transition from wolf to pet has required intense natural and artificial selection for behaviors that allow dogs to live alongside humans, but behavior is not so simple. Join us for a discussion with Dr. Jessica Hekman and learn about dog welfare, behavioral genetics, and the quest to understand the dogs in our lives.