Singular Sensation: The Triumph Of Broadway

  • Author: Michael Riedel
  • Narrator: Shaun Taylor-Corbett
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Duration: 9:43:39
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"Shaun Taylor–Corbett delivers a serviceable narration of longtime theater critic Michael Riedel's comprehensive history of Broadway. Riedel's earlier work, RAZZLE DAZZLE, looked at '70s and '80s Broadway. This time he focuses on the '90s, a decade when musicals and dramas changed significantly. Riedel delves into what makes a successful show and investigates what contributes to a flop. Taylor–Corbett sounds knowledgeable while discussing examples of the late '80s ranging from PHANTOM and CATS to the less spectacular but delightfully innovative AVENUE Q. With an understated delivery, he recounts the humorous backstage anecdotes and reminiscences of producers, directors, and stars of '90s shows ranging from THE PRODUCERS to THE LION KING. SINGULAR SENSATION confirms the reasons pre-COVID Broadway was enjoying a new Golden Age."


  • 001 SingularSensation Open

    Duration: 11s
  • 002 SingularSensation Foreword

    Duration: 10min
  • 003 SingularSensation ChapterOne I'mReadyForMyCloseUpMrLloydWebber

    Duration: 22min
  • 004 SingularSensation ChapterTwo BoulevardOfBrokenDreams

    Duration: 39min
  • 005 SingularSensation ChapterThree 508Greenwich4

    Duration: 46min
  • 006 SingularSensation ChapterFour LaVieBroadway

    Duration: 32min
  • 007 SingularSensation ChapterFive TheGambler

    Duration: 23min
  • 008 SingularSensation ChapterSix IGotTheHorseRightHere

    Duration: 27min
  • 009 SingularSensation ChapterSeven WingingIt

    Duration: 24min
  • 010 SingularSensation ChapterEight Who'sAfraidOfEdwardAlbee

    Duration: 28min
  • 011 SingularSensation ChapterNine RazzleDazzle

    Duration: 21min
  • 012 SingularSensation ChapterTen TheFranAndBarryShow

    Duration: 18min
  • 013 SingularSensation ChapterEleven EverythingsComingUpRosie

    Duration: 34min
  • 014 SingularSensation ChapterTwelve TheMakingOfAMogul

    Duration: 16min
  • 015 SingularSensation ChapterThirteen BeAtTheFuckingMatinee

    Duration: 35min
  • 016 SingularSensation ChapterFourteen TheLionQueen

    Duration: 50min
  • 017 SingularSensation ChapterFifteen TheUnmakingOfAMogul

    Duration: 36min
  • 018 SingularSensation ChapterSixteen ThePlaymakers

    Duration: 23min
  • 019 SingularSensation ChapterSeventeen It'sGoodToBeTheKing

    Duration: 56min
  • 020 SingularSensation Epilogue AndTheShowGoesOn

    Duration: 36min
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