In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!
How To Be Multi-Orgasmic - MTP132
26/10/2018 Duration: 43minMost guys think that once you've blown your load, that's it. At best, you'll need a 'recovery period' to recharge before going at it again. Well, my charming guest from Germany, Mariah Freya, wants to 'Beducate' you. Let's just say that not only can you come back for a second round as quickly as you'd like, you can take your orgasm game to a whole new level. Did you know that you can have different types of orgasms that feel different from each other, just like women can? And what if it's true you can even have orgasms without having an erection, let alone ejaculating? We'll compare the male and female orgasm experiences, and then share the simple secret to making sure women are warmed up and ready for sex when you are, assuming that's a good thing. What's more, Mariah will show you how to become as in-tune with your body as women are...and why you should care. Discover simple exercises you can do to train your body to feel more intense pleasure, be more orgasmic and become multi-orgasmic. And'll al
The Stubborn Man Stereotype - MTP131
13/10/2018 Duration: 38minCo-Host Marc Mawhinney ( The oldest running joke in the world is about how men refuse to stop and ask for directions. There's a strong element of truth to that. But wait a minute though, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Can not asking for directions be a blessing as well as a curse? Well, my co-host Marc Mawhinney is a renowned 'coach of coaches', and he has some surprising thoughts on this whole subject. Listen to his take on how men and women are different when it comes to reaching out for help. Then, hear from both of us about how not seeking badly needed help cost us in our respective businesses. But on the other hand, is entrepreneurial success really about building a whole team around you rather than being a 'Lone Ranger'? Outside of business, can't our social lives, sanity and even our physical health suffer when we stubbornly refuse help from anyone else? The raw truth is real men get help when they need it, not vice-versa. But even when traumatic situation
How To Make People Like You, Especially Women - MTP130
24/08/2018 Duration: 48minGiven that my co-host is the author of a wildly-popular book called The Like Switch, you may have a mental picture of him as that life-of-the-party kind of guy with boundless energy. But a laid-back yet fearless, straight-shooting demeanor is just the first surprise Jack Schafer has in store for you. You see, before he became a college professor and started writing books about how to inspire people to like you and want more of you, Jack was an FBI agent specializing in behavior analysis and recruiting spies. This gives him a unique perspective on how to read people's non-verbal cues, while also artfully imparting how to improve what he calls your 'Likeability Quotient'. Jack will show you how to literally read people's lips, but not in the way you might be guessing. He'll also reveal a technique that makes people like you one-hundred percent of the time. Jack also defines such fascinating concepts as friend or foe signals, the urban scowl, and his four-step friendship formula. Discover the power of patience i
Why Men Take Responsibility And Own It - MTP129
25/07/2018 Duration: 36minCo-Host Orlando Owen ( My co-host for this episode has made a multi-million dollar fortune and lost it...all before ultimately figuring out what it means to be a man who takes responsibility. There's that word...responsibility. It's what all of our parents used to harp on us about constantly in our teenage years, yet it's also exactly what nearly everyone on Twitter sorely lacks nowadays. But responsibility truly is a linchpin to maximizing your masculine power, and foolishly ignoring it at your own peril truncates your development as a man. In this show Orlando and I talk about the real-world difference between spoiled brats and kids who have to face adversity, and yet society has made lack of responsibility feel almost normal these days. We discuss how and why so many people easily become brainwashed 'sheeple' these days, and why most men ultimately go out 'not with a bang but a whimper'. Find out what 'Generation Selfie' is missing out on, and the truly simple way
Self-Help In A Shot Glass - MTP128
10/07/2018 Duration: 40minHe may go by the title 'The Angry Therapist', but these days John Kim is anything but. His approach to self-help is so disarmingly obvious it's revolutionary...distilling the basics so that being a better man becomes utterly uncomplicated. John has broken the mold when it comes to therapy, and his vision of vulnerability in particular has made a real, tangible difference in the lives of many. In this inspiring episode we talk about the tools and motivation men need to be better. Discover the most unexpected life-transforming benefit of being vulnerable. How lack of authenticity costs men dearly, even though most of us don't even realize it. Find out how being miserable fueled John's passion and drive for more in life. Why is self-help 'sometimes more about a reunion than anything else'? What does John mean when he says, 'The universe has put me into a Trojan horse'? We talk about the joys (and dangers) every Dad faces in sharing his meaning and passion with his kids. Finally, we discuss television, Twitter an
The Real Man's Guide To Marriage And Fatherhood - MTP127
17/06/2018 Duration: 40minWhy is there so little information out there to empower real men who are in long-term relationships and raising kids? Well, Bryan Ward is the head of Third Way Man and he's part of the solution to this post-modern problem. In his opinion, 'only the wildest men marry' and his life purpose is to defeat the almost pandemic pattern of guys getting wussified in their long-term relationships. You'll be amazed as he talks about how even a decent, well-meaning man's impulse to pacify the woman in his life often leads to disaster. Find out what 'The Peacetime Paradox' is, and how men tend to navigate fatherhood and our relationships with women despite it. We cover the very real problem of misplaced aggression, even as Bryan suggests 'we had better have the ability to rip limbs out on the rare occasion that's called for'. Discover how both Bryan and I are raising our sons to be badasses, even in a post-modern world where few are. How can you be a man who attracts the woman you want and KEEP her attracted long-term? Als
Women Who Make Us Want Them - MTP126
09/06/2018 Duration: 48minMy co-host for this episode is originally from Moscow and has the accent to match. She's a dating coach for women who recently wrote an article called '5 Ways To Get A Man To Do What You Want'. When I first found the article I was expecting something very different than what it was really least until I saw who the author was. Polina absolutely adores men, and teaches women all over the world how to charm us in a way that makes us want to be their heroes. Listen in as Polina outlines her five secrets for women on how to absolutely mesmerize us as men. Not only will you agree that you'd likely do anything for a woman who knows and practices these secrets, you're going to wonder aloud where the hell they've all been hiding lately. But rest much as Polina's going to compel you to consider Russian mail-order bride services, that's still a BAD idea in the long run. There are amazing women who 'get it' all over the world, including right there where you live. After all the talk about intrigue
A Thrilled, Happy Woman Who Adores You - MTP125
13/05/2018 Duration: 35minCo-Host Elliott Katz ( No co-host Elliot Katz and I had to work pretty hard to come up with a topic for this show. That's because he and I think so much alike that probably his first half-dozen ideas were quite literally the very cornerstones of everything we've done here at X & Y Communications for a dozen years. But using the previous episode on happiness as a jumping-off point, we decided to talk about happy women...and more specifically, what it takes to MAKE them happy. After all, as the adage goes, 'if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy'. Wait, is that even true? And how come men typically try to do everything they can to make their woman happy, yet she still isn't? What do you do when you do EVERYTHING for her, and she still wants MORE, MORE, MORE? Far too many men willingly emasculate themselves in a relationship, complain about it, and then are surprised when the woman respects them even less. We cover why women 'test' men, and how to make it
3 Secrets Of Happiness - MTP124
28/04/2018 Duration: 40minMy guest co-host has figured out the three cornerstones to happiness...and I think he's on to something significant. We define them up front, followed by ways to look inwardly for happiness despite the pull of external influences and even external energies. Then we explain why the obstacles from the past seem to keep haunting us, and how to finally hurdle over them. Next, we talk about the obvious and not-so-obvious ways our 'advanced' post-modern culture is actually contributing to our personal and collective unhappiness. How can your self-perceived weaknesses actually become touchstones of personal fulfillment and happiness? What happens inside our minds when we compare ourselves to others? Plus, discover the most effective antidote to destructive envy and jealousy. Next, hear about the almost supernatural connection between love and happiness...even if love doesn't exactly turn out the way you wanted it to. Does speed kill happiness? Get the surprising answer. Find out how happy people deal with adversity.
How Men And Women Communicate - MTP123
08/04/2018 Duration: 45minYou'd think after twelve years of running a shop called X & Y Communications I'd have done a show on communication by now. Well, that all changes right now thanks to my new friend and fellow 'old bull on the hill' Robert Manni from The Guy's Guys" Guide To Love. Plan on hearing a dogpile of wisdom we just didn't have in our twenties, including my 'mansplaining' is a thing (and a brilliant response to it), why women want a man who 'listens', and the basic reasons why men and women have been missing each other for thousands of years. We'll also reveal the weird paradox between women who are leaders in their daily lives and the relationships they have with their significant others. We also talk about why women aren't so quick to bring their ideas to the table when talking to men...and it's NOT why you think. Plus, we reveal the truth about women's 'tests', along with how to deal with the new anti-male narrative while living your truth. Why do so many people stay in bad relationships with horrible miscommunic
Bounce Back After Hitting Rock Bottom - MTP122
23/03/2018 Duration: 33minCo-Host Morten Hake ( Know main man Morten Hake is back in the saddle again, after having ascended to great heights only to come crashing down before he even realized what happened. So what's his story? How did he find his way back after hitting such a low point? Well, in this episode he spills all the secrets, starting with a brilliant tactic he learned from one of his closest mentors. He also reveals the subtle but dangerous traps he fell into that caused him to squander his early success. Then we talk about why we run away from our own truth, the keys to feeling more ALIVE and passionate, and what finally caused Morten to stop running from failure and face it head-on. We also cover the weird 'on again, off again' dynamic on Facebook that few people ever notice, plus the insidious enemies to resilience and reaching our personal potential. Then we discuss how to dig out from under shame and doubt, and the specific ways Morten has bounced back...including his
How To Market Yourself To Women - MTP121
08/02/2018 Duration: 31minCo-Host Renee Piane ( This seems like a superficial, if not downright crass topic for a show, doesn't it? It sounds so, well...transactional. But when you really think about it, it's exactly what everyone who is successful with MOTOS does, just like what everyone who is successful in business does. After all, marketing is really all about promoting one's 'brand' as positive, intriguing and alluring. Simply put, you have to make others want what you've got. My long-time friend Renee Piane has been in the personal marketing business since 1992. In this episode you'll hear about what Renee calls 'Prince Training', which works even if you're not rich, royal and/or classically good looking. You'll also get Renee's Hollywood-insider perspective on why there's such mass hysteria surrounding sexual harassment and assault at this very moment in time. Discover the central most important part of establishing positive vibes with women, along with what's involved in branding yoursel
The True Essence Of Coolness - MTP120
27/01/2018 Duration: 50minOver time I've learned--sometimes the hard way--that no matter how cool you are or how cool the stuff you do is, there's always someone who's cooler than you and doing cooler stuff. But one of the great ironies in this life is the sooner you realize that and "get over yourself", suddenly you're infinitely cooler to everyone else...along with all the stuff you do. Given this simple (but not easy) social principle, it follows logically that being an arrogant douchebag, when taken to an extreme, is ultimately one of the loneliest existences imaginable. This is an all-important life lesson that too many of us learn far too late in our adult lives, if we ever learn it at all. That's why I want you to meet Jeff Shapiro. Fair warning: Your first impression of him will likely be that he's a bigger badass than you and I put together. I found out about Jeff because he kept turning up as a "brand ambassador" for some of my favorite adventure gear companies, including Keen and Kavu. And that's no wonder. Dude is not only
How Has Meeting And Relating To Women Changed In the Past 10 Years? - MTP119
11/01/2018 Duration: 43minWhat I appreciate about my long-time friend and female dating and relationship coach Suzanne Oshima is how level-headed her advice is. That made her the perfect co-host for this particular episode, where we uncover the ways approaching women and relating to them has evolved over the last decade. Suzanne starts off by offering her take on the top two things women want in a man, then gives her startlingly up-front--and encouraging--take on how most women view the #MeToo movement. We also talk about the definition of what it means to be charming, why average guys often get amazingly sexy women and the effect of swiping and social media. Are you really damned if you do and damned if you don't when it comes to talking to women nowadays? Is the 'Mike Pence Rule' a solid strategy, or is our own faulty self-perception actually getting in the way? Well, get ready...because I eventually drop a bomb on this entire discussion, exposing the truth that's been hiding in plain sight, despite the shroud of politics. With that
All About Cheating - MTP118
08/12/2017 Duration: 49minHow have we gone over ten years without covering this topic? Dating and relationship coach Benjamin Ritter of Live For Yourself Consulting joins me to talk about what cheating is, people who cheat and why they do it. We reveal the huge mistake people make when beginning a relationship that practically dooms them to cheating accusations in the future. I also share the shocking conversation I had with Emily that has cheat-proofed our relationship for nearly 12 years and counting. We talk about whether or not to tell your significant other if and when cheating happens. Does having sex with someone else really have to mean a horrible, cataclysmic end to the relationship? Meanwhile, is distaste for the thought of someone else having sex with your partner simply a social construct...or even a limiting belief? Plus, hilarious observations about how Facebook actually compels people to cheat. Finally, we'll show you how to know if she's been cheating and a genius way to confront her about it. My first all-new program
How To Find A Feminine Woman Who Actually Loves Men - MTP117
19/11/2017 Duration: 34minOkay, here it is... Even though there are more high-profile men being outed as sexual assailants every day, that doesn't necessarily mean YOU'RE a monster simply for being male and attracted to women. Yet more guys than ever before are at a total loss as to how to even TALK to women, let alone express romantic interest. And an even more profound challenge seems to be even finding a woman who still loves, adores and appreciates a real man...especially US. Meanwhile, the greatest tragedy of all is it seems the most significant collateral damage to angry 3rd-wave Feminism has been femininity itself. Well, for this show I'm joined by none other than Relationship Theory host and Quest Nutrition co-founder Lisa Bilyeu, who was genuinely excited to discuss how we as men can find a strong, empowered yet FEMININE woman who is all about honoring your masculinity. If you've found yourself feeling a bit jaded by all the gender politics swirling around in today's world, you'll find Lisa's message--and her whole persona, r
The Far-Flung Future Of Dating And Relating - MTP116
29/10/2017 Duration: 52minWhen you think of 'futurism' your first thoughts are probably of Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk and talk of 'The Singularity'...when machines will become smarter than humans. All that techie stuff is ridiculously cool and all, but have you ever noticed how little speculation there is out there about the future of sex, dating and relationships? Well, after a bit of going back and forth in one of my mastermind groups for relationship coach types, I discovered my friend Jason Silver was pretty much the only guy thinking about these ideas as much as I was. So I invited him on the show for a uniquely mind-blowing discussion about men, women, sexbots, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and much more. We kick it all off by thinking about the relatively near-term future of social media and male/female relationships. But where it all gets completely out of hand is when we start considering the next hundred or two hundred years and beyond. Basically, Jason and I go back and forth rapid-fire trading face-melting
How Has Donald Trump Affected Dating And Attraction? - MTP115
08/10/2017 Duration: 36minCo-Host Rich Gosse ( First of all, let's clarify something important: This show is NOT about politics, and this episode is no exception. Rich Gosse is head of the world's largest singles group and the author of The Donald Trump Syndrome: Why Women Choose The Wrong Men To Love. What got my attention most about this guy is he's actually hosting mixer parties in California for women who can't stand Donald Trump. So who are the guys he's inviting? Well, get this... Rich's hypothesis is that women SAY they want a man who's older, taller, richer, better educated and more 'alpha'. But since The Donald represents all of those traits and women still seem to abhor him, why not introduce these ladies to men who are younger, shorter, poorer, less-educated and incredibly shy? If you're like me, you've GOT to be wondering how well these parties have been going. Let's just say Rich swears they're incredibly successful for everyone involved. Does this mean the whole paradigm of what wo
How Dating Advice Has Evolved - MTP114
16/09/2017 Duration: 47minThis time I'm joined by a true legend in the world of men's dating advice, none other than Clifford Lee. His claim to fame, of course, is the notorious Cliff's List, which started out as a cornerstone of the 'underground' pickup artist movement back in the early '00s and has evolved with the times to remain one of the top men's portals. As such, there's no better guy to talk about how men's dating and seduction advice is different nowadays than it used to be. But now that the PUA movement is dead and gone, it's not like men have stopped needing to get better with women. So now what? Can there be another group of men as united in the cause of excellence with women as the Seduction Community was? The truth is that because of changes in the socio-political climate, more men are looking for 'natural' ways to meet women without 'running game' or anything else that would appear sleazy. Is that an overreaction, or simply a much-needed mindset correction? How have social media and dating apps contributed to the tr
Living Together - MTP113
05/08/2017 Duration: 37minLots of couples move in with each other these days, and there are more reasons why than you might think. My special guest Damona Hoffman spends as much time thinking about 'cohabitation psychology' as anyone. After all, she's the resident dating expert on the new FYI Network show A Question Of Love, featuring three couples about to embark on the adventure of living together. We talk about the hurdles couples have to overcome, the three discussions that MUST take place before moving in together and our three best keys to living with a significant other without tearing each other apart. Does the sex get better...or worse? What about cross-cultural misunderstandings and misguided expectations? Should you sign a 'pre-hab'? On top of all else, we rant about how smartphones and online dating have changed people's expectations and brought about unexpected relationship challenges. If you haven't yet joined the new Mountain Top Summit Facebook group, it has over 300 members and is rockin'. Come join the discussion wit