Live life with energy, vitality and motivation. Hosted by TV presenter and author Tony Wrighton, this podcast delves into living with purpose and zest with some great guests.
Happiness, integrity, and getting wild turkeys to meditate - Martha Beck #159
12/03/2018 Duration: 38minMartha Beck is a best-selling author, speaker, and sociologist. She is also a columnist for Oprah Magazine. On this podcast we cover subjects including Integrity Meditation Happiness How to get wild turkeys to chill out. She says this about happiness: The first step in creating your right life is acknowledging where you've gone wrong. She's great fun, a brilliant guest for Zestology, and very revealing on the subject of happiness. So listen on.
Addicted to tech? Distracted by digital? Is Unplugging the answer? - Phil White #158
05/03/2018 Duration: 43minWe check our smartphones hundreds of times a day. 53% of people say they waste at least an hour at work every day, and most of their distractions are digital. So are you distracted by digital? Addicted to tech? It’s time to stop, take a breath, and hit the reset button in a big way. The techlash has started.. Phil White is a good person to talk to about this - he's the author of Unplugged... and provides a blueprint for using technology to meet your health and performance goals in a much smarter way. Here's a good quote from Phil: "In our culture many of us have come to view sleep as a time-sucking inconvenience. We’re trying to run our lives with precise efficiency like the Henry Ford assembly line, and cram as much into each day as possible. As a result, our sleep gets short shrift. A recent NPR story revealed that 37 percent of Americans don’t get adequate rest. This means that more than a third of us are wandering around like blurry eyed zombies. For athletes that’s a real problem. When you exercise y
Hypnosis, jet lag, blue light blocking and other assorted biohacks - Ryan Munsey #157
26/02/2018 Duration: 01h11minWe talk beating jet lag the natural way on this podcast, then we look at hypnosis, workouts, blocking blue light in the evening and lots more. And I'm hanging out with friend of the podcast and absolute authority on all things health, Ryan Munsey. His new book is called… very provocatively called F*ck Your Feelings. Make sure you check it out - it's out today and I'm sure will be great. We recorded this for both Zestology and Ryan's podcast. Enjoy.
Anti-ageing, and the incredible O-Shot! With Dr. Amy Killen #156
19/02/2018 Duration: 35minA podcast on cutting-edge natural anti-ageing methods. Some of this stuff is radically new and exciting. So ditch the botox, there's some much healthier and more natural alternatives! An awesome chat with the highly qualified and highly respected Dr. Amy Killen - by the time you've finished listening you may well be booking in for Platelet-Rich-Plasma, a vampire facial, stem cell therapy, or even the incredible O-Shot. (Don't know what that is? Listen to the podcast...) For more on Dr. Amy Killen, visit here
Esther Perel on relationships, monogamy, and how to not bicker with your partner #155
12/02/2018 Duration: 40minOne of the world's foremost relationship experts is on Zestology today - Esther Perel. If you haven't seen her TED talks, do yourself a favour, get googling and come back to me in half an hour. Her take on bickering is especially good. I was grateful to meet Esther Perel recently and interview her for Zestology and Balance mag. I think the interview is useful listening for anyone in a relationship (or wanting to be in one). In this Valentine's week I think this podcast might be one of the most important I've recorded. This podcast could help you. Enjoy.
Body Coach Joe Wicks on transforming yourself, getting papped and fame #154
05/02/2018 Duration: 33minIt was great to meet Joe Wicks recently, in conjunction with the awesome Balance magazine. His latest book, The Fat-Loss Plan, came out on Boxing Day. Joe is changing the lives and shapes of gazillions of Brits - he's the author of the UK's biggest-selling diet books since records began and he keeps building his fanbase. His philosophy about both diet and exercise is to keep it simple. “People try and change too much at once, and it never works. Pick something that you can do 15 minutes a day, rather than one hour a week.” Which is solid advice. I always feel better when I do a little exercise, than on a day when I do none. Bearing that in mind, you might want to listen to the whole interview now.
Digital addiction, distraction and downtime - Brett Moran #153
29/01/2018 Duration: 50minAuthor Brett Moran and I discuss digital addiction and distraction. He’s got a great system for focus, productivity and avoiding the online rabbit hole. And I’ve got an important(ish) question for you at the end of the podcast. The final podcast in my series recorded over here in South-east Asia.
I went to meditate in paradise and it didn’t go to plan #152
22/01/2018 Duration: 25minContinuing my series of podcasts recorded here in Asia - you may know that I was planning to go off to a monastery to meditate. It didn’t quite go to plan. Here’s what happened...
My favourite energy hacks for 2018 (and one I'm not convinced by) #151
15/01/2018 Duration: 26minThis was recorded in London at a nice casual Saturday morning biohackers meetup - 7 energy hacks for 2018. Huge thanks to Nick Elvery of the Daily Habits podcast and Leanne Spencer of Remove The Guesswork podcast for their excellent contributions - make sure to check out their podcasts too. You can listen to the show here right now, or if you are short of time you can read on below. Please note: the below does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting new supplements or regimes. This is just what worked for me. The “setlist” was: L Tyrosine (for focus) Colostrum (for hay fever) Keto diet (for energy and wellness) Blue blockers (to improve sleep) Viome (for wellness and stomach) Oura ring (for sleep) Joovv (for energy and wellness) But which one didn't I like? Listen on to find out.
Giving up booze is tough! Dry January and alcohol/sleep experiments - Andy Ramage #150
08/01/2018 Duration: 46minThis podcast includes the frankly shocking results of my alcohol/ sleep experiment. Coming up in this podcast, you'll hear about my experiments with: The Oura ring Sleep and alcohol - my tests. Drinking less / aka Dryish January The Oura Ring As you may know, I've been road-testing the Oura Ring (and have been talking about it on the podcast). It's a tracking device that you wear on your finger. It measures your sleep, heart rate, heart rate variability, body temperature, and exercise. Sleep and alcohol And, rather shockingly I've found when I even have a small amount of wine, my heart rate variability scores are way down, my resting heart rate increases and my deep sleep drops off the chart . What's interesting about this is we all kind of know that we get hangovers when we drink and we are not at our best the next day. But this is cold, hard data that proves that my body don't work as well even after a small amount of alcohol. The graphic on my blog is on my resting heart rate when asleep (the two arrow
Sorting out the body-brain connection in 2018 - Dr. Steven Masley #149
01/01/2018 Duration: 30minFeeling sluggish after the New Year's festivities? This will perk you up - incredible info on diet and how it affects your focus: This year, I wanted to focus on creating a podcast for you right at the start of 2018 that focuses on optimum nutrition for body and brain. Because let's be honest, a few too many mince pies have probably been consumed over the last month. (Side note: Americans don't have mince pies, which is a shame.) And today's guest knows how that can have an impact in surprising areas. Steven Masley is one of the world's top experts in this area. He's a bestselling author and TV Doctor in the States, and he knows his stuff. His new book, The Better Brain Solution, is out tomorrow and I heartily recommend a cheeky pre-order as he is one of the top people in the field. It focuses on the link between body, brain and what we eat.
18/12/2017 Duration: 51min
Should you call a Christmas podcast 'Best Bits'? My decision - yes. So take a listen and see if you agree that these are Zestology 'Best Bits', or maybe you'll just think they're Zestology Average Bits! Coming up. Best bits 2017 Some extra bits recorded for this podcast 2018 sneak preview, guests lined up A few thank yous I've really enjoyed this year - doing my podcast Zestology as well as my telly work with Sky. So I've compiled a review of the year. Call it Best Bits if you like. Three of my favourite Zest moments were chatting with Dave Asprey on injecting stem cells into your unmentionables!, Meghan Currie on switching off, and getting away from screens. And interviewing the author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, John Gray on his trip to London. They're in here, as are many more personal highlights.
Dealing with fear and breaking records - Zestology Stories #147
11/12/2017 Duration: 29minThis week, a slightly different format on Zestology, it's my first ever 'Zestology Stories' podcast. And it includes Julia Immonen, a friend of mine and colleague at Sky Sports. How to deal with fear (from someone who knows) Getting outside your comfort zone An incredible breakthrough in treating migraines More great stories Having known Julia for many years, I was astonished when one day she casually announced, "I'm going to row the Atlantic". Astonished because she'd never before mentioned rowing, and you'll hear in this interview how in fact, she'd never even rowed on open water before. Genuinely crazy. We recorded the interview in our lunch break at Sky, and she told me about some terrifying moments in the middle of the Atlantic. Talk about dealing with fear. It is alongside a couple of other good stories on Zestology podcast this week featuring other short interviews that I've recorded recently.
Switching off, following your gut and finding great mentors - Tayo Rockson #146
04/12/2017 Duration: 38minI have given this a lot of thought recently... Is it a good idea to occasionally switch off? Obviously I work as a sports journo for Sky Sports News, and I love that. I love sport, love reading about sport, love watching sport and so on. I'm also bit of a news junkie as well, often taking part in shows on Sky News and being a pretty avid watcher when not at work. But as well as being a news junkie, I recognise the value of occasionally switching off. Getting home and stepping away from the TV and my phone. Some stories leave me feeling pretty alarmed at the moment, the state of the world I care about and it worries me. So is it ever a good idea to switch off a little? Look, I don't want news which is solely stories of cats that were lost and found. I want to be well informed and make a difference, so I'm looking for the right balance. I recorded a podcast where we explored these themes of leadership and whether we can make a difference by switching off. Tayo Rockson was on Zestology (his stuff on mentorship
A live tapping demo - Emotional Freedom Therapy with Nick Ortner #145
27/11/2017 Duration: 44minI've been trying to get world tapping expert Nick Ortner on my podcast for ages. It's taken a while to persuade him! When I recorded a show with Ashley Meyer of the Energy Therapy Centre, it was one of the most popular. It's no lie to say that when I took 3 months off work because of illness, tapping was the thing that got me back on track. Now Nick has come on to give us the full tapping low down. Let's do tapping again. Importantly, in this particular podcast, we have a full tapping demo. It's great! (NB - do not drive while listening to the demo itself or operate heavy machinery.) Enjoy - and hope you feel good after!
Detox, and should you drink tap water? With Dr Daniel Pompa #144
20/11/2017 Duration: 41minThe last of my LA podcasts is out today. Ah, LA. It seems quite a long time ago now, that Californian heat and the sunny places, people and personalities. They include Dr. Dan Pompa. He coaches many from around the world with what are considered unexplainable illnesses back to health. And he does this, by helping you to detox. In today's podcast we cover loads of stuff, but the bits about tap water are particularly illuminating. Let me know what you think about that. And for more on whether tap water is good for you or not (clue: it's not), here's Dr. Pompa's article on tap water. We also covered... Vaccines Glyphosate - ugh Kids on autism spectrum Detoxing lead / mercury
13/11/2017 Duration: 35min
A couple of weeks ago I was in LA for the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference. You've probably seen various selfies on social media. I went over there to write a piece for Balance magazine and record for Zestology on going Back To The Future, with the world's most famous biohacker Dave Asprey. How does this guy do it? Dave sat across from me, and he looked healthier and younger – way younger – than the last time I saw him ten months ago. He’s more toned, his guns are bigger than mine – I’m especially unhappy about that - the lines on his face are smoother, and hang on, he appears to have youthful dimples in his cheeks. Like a 20-something. Where did the dimples come from? He definitely didn’t have them at the start of the year. Ordinarily the first thing that would spring to mind is botox. But this is the man with a stated aim of living to the age of 180. And in his words, he’s not into sticking rat poison into his face. There is no beating around the bush. I need to know. We’re starting with the dimples. Firs
Meditation tips, sound baths and outdoor living with Camilla Dallerup #142
06/11/2017 Duration: 33minI love a walking meditation. Even if you are just fully present while walking it makes such a difference. Today's podcast is with a returning Strictly winner who's now all about meditation. And we walked and talked in this podcast. Camilla Dallerup won Strictly Come Dancing after six series with Tom Chambers in 2008. She's now an author and meditation teacher living in LA, and when she was in London recently she came on Zestology. We agreed to do a return version in LA while we walked... so here it is, recorded walking along the seafront in Santa Monica, and popping onto the pier at the same time.
Light affects your brain like a drug - Scott Nelson #141
30/10/2017 Duration: 41minI'm back from LA now. What a trip. The Bulletproof Conference was a chance to reconnect with friends and meet some new ones too. Many of the recommendations at the conference are pretty much the complete opposite of what we are taught growing up about wellness. It can seem overwhelming. Butter is okay, nicotine’s okay too (but certainly not smoking), and so on. But many other hacks seem to be a mixture of the futuristic and the primal. As well as eating plenty of veggies, most of those gathered in LA are big fans of meditation and getting some natural sunlight in the morning. Hardly anything particularly revolutionary about that. Light is a drug - eh? Light is a big theme at the conference. Some speakers talk about how light affects your brain like a drug. Experts and exhibitors alike look at adapting your environment so that the lights help you to perform at your best, especially if you live somewhere cold, damp and grey, (sound familiar?). As well as our dearth of natural sunlight in a northern hemisphere
23/10/2017 Duration: 01h03minDom D'Agostino on Ketosis - the most googled diet of this year #140 This podcast is with the world's biggest expert in Ketosis - Dom D'Agostino. He's an absolute legend and I'm thrilled to be able to chat to him about so many important aspects of Keto, how to get into it, the benefits and the pitfalls and so on. Thanks Dom! I've been in ketosis for many months. My reasons: Well not weight loss (although I've toned up - he says modestly), but for decreased inflammation, better digestion, improved skin and sharp thinking, And all that is working quite well. I'm really enjoying it, but it takes a month of feeling a little tired (they call it the Keto Flu) when you first get into it. At least that's what happened to me. Want more details? Check out today's podcast.