Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 50:43:31
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Hollywood Celebrity Trainer Vinnie Tortorich and his co-hosts nail down the skinny about everything health, diet, and fitness. Get fit. Get inspired. Get entertained.


  • Practice What You Preach with Scott King - Episode 2507

    28/06/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Episode 2507 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Scott King to discuss how to practice what you preach, training for triathlons, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - The Incredible Shrinking Man Some people in the health and fitness space do not appear to practice what they preach. (4:00) Scott recounts his story of the revelation he received that he had to take control of his health. (7:30) He was approximately 600 pounds, had bariatric surgery, but was gaining back weight. A harrowing episode with his young daughter’s safety shook him into action. He heard Vinnie on Adam & Dr Drew and started researching. Vinnie shares some realities of being on chemo. (13:00) He has started posting workout videos in his NSNG® VIP group, because he is starting from square one, too. Scott reveals what it’s like to get gastric bypass surgery. (17:30) Eve

  • Packaging Snake Oil - Episode 2506

    26/06/2024 Duration: 43min

    Episode 2506 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss "packaging snake oil" by companies making false claims, knowing where your food comes from, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Packaging Snake Oil While Vinnie tries composing himself after a laugh, Gina shares this item. (4:00) What’s the deal with Poppi Prebiotic Soda? The company is being called out for its false claims. Why not go after more companies that make fake claims? There have been challenges to different rules for equipment and cycling. (14:00) There’s always an effort to package snake oil. (18:30) Vinnie can't get behind products like these. If he thought they were good, he would make them himself. Even vitamins are being made into gummies. (19:00) When you stop eating sugary items long enough, your palate changes. Processed foods have been formulated to taste the same every time. (24:00) The

  • The Sooner the Better - Episode 2505

    24/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    Episode 2505 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss dealing with Amazon, tendonitis, weight creep, getting off stevia, the sooner the better, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - The Sooner the Better Vinnie is still trying to discover why Amazon is sitting on his documentary “Dirty Keto” and not making it available yet. (3:00) He is only telling the truth, so why the delay? He’s realizing how much of an effect chemo has had on him. (13:00) But he knows how lucky he is compared to others who he sees struggling with cancer. He hopes to make it out to California later this year. Vinnie addresses a question regarding lifting weights and tendon strain. (22:00) Even healthy people can have tendon strain as they age. Just take a little more rest before your next workout. Taking TRT isn’t necessarily beneficial in the long run. It has been what he has

  • The Incredible Shrinking Man with Peter Pardini - Episode 2504

    21/06/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Episode 2504 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Peter Pardini and they discuss making documentaries, how Peter has become "The Incredible Shrinking Man," and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - The Incredible Shrinking Man Peter talks about his history and new projects; one is a documentary about the comedy scene in Austin. (3:00) They chat about comedy shows of the past and the schtick behind each. Comedy is challenging; they talk about various famous comedians and how they work. They talk about releasing a documentary and dealing with Amazon. (21:00)  "The Incredible Shrinking Man" is Vinnie's name for Peter’s health journey. (30:30) He eats a mostly carnivore diet with occasional vegetables. Occasional intermittent fasting has helped. He has noticed a huge difference in his energy. They talk about water weight and exercise. (42:00) Some

  • Lettuce Explain - Episode 2503

    19/06/2024 Duration: 39min

    Episode 2503 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss speaking up to you doctor, Vinnie's rules around salad--lettuce explain (get it?), and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Lettuce Explain They chat about parody songs and Hank Williams. (2:00) Often song lyrics will show how times don’t change much. Gina shares a recent experience at a hotel and makes Vinnie explain his point of view on lettuce. (6:00) Meat on lettuce is unnecessary, as far as Vinnie is concerned. Even at high-end grocery stores, premium items can still be filled with bad ingredients. Vinnie had to ask his doctor about taking an iron supplement; the doctor’s response surprised him. (12:30) Doctors are very busy and you need to be proactive in your health. It may be that Vinnie’s overall health is so good, it appears his doctors may need to monitor him less. Back to Vinnie’s “lettuce rules." (26

  • Exercise Is Never Wasted Time - Episode 2502

    17/06/2024 Duration: 55min

    Episode 2502 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino chat about various things like, how exercise is never wasted time, food demos, cooking, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Exercise Is Never Wasted Time Anna will be cooking in this show, so go to for the YouTube video. (2:00) She’ll make the Crunchy Garlic Onion Chili Oil (check in her Substack channel for the written recipe), Mexican Cauliflower Rice, and Guacamole. They share other cooking ideas. Vinnie and Anna barely go to restaurants because of how expensive it’s gotten. Anna shares a story about her recent product demos in Texas and gives a shout-out to all the “Favorite Dobbins”! (16:00) Anna’s sauces are now getting into some Rhode Island stores. (19:00) Vinnie’s documentary “Dirty Keto” at the time of this recording is 8 days late to be posted on Amazon. (25:30) He’s looking for an alte

  • A Fighting Chance with Michelle Hurn, RD - Episode 2501

    14/06/2024 Duration: 58min

    Episode 2501 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with registered dietician Michelle Hurn and they discuss having a fighting chance when getting cancer treatment, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - A Fighting Chance Michelle’s wife is currently going through treatment for breast cancer. (2:00) Vinnie updates her on some of his challenges during treatment and how he had to advocate for himself. Michelle gives her and her wife, Corene's story. (9:00) An unexpected diagnosis turned their world upside down. They at least knew what to do nutritionally: the ketogenic diet. The American Cancer Society contradicted itself in its own statement. (12:00) Michelle and her wife saw over 32 medical professionals about the cancer diagnosis, and only one made a suggestion about nutrition, and it was incorrect advice. (15:30) She shares why a ketogenic diet is bene

  • Desperate Measures - Episode 2500

    12/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    Episode 2500 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss desperate measures of surgery, being metabolically broken, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Desperate Measures Endoscopic ablation operation targeting ghrelin; it took the patient six months to lose 20 lbs. (3:20) The procedure targets burning receptors in the gut lining. Is it a good thing to control leptin and ghrelin through surgery? Isn’t it better to just change what you’re eating? Vinnie reviews what “metabolically broken” means, and how leptin and ghrelin signaling works. Gina hadn’t eaten red meat in 25 years. (24:00) Now she craves meat all the time. Finding great deals on meat is possible—you don’t have to be rich to make it work. Vinnie shares some great food his brother Mark has made. (27:00) You can stick to local items, keeping costs down. They have some fun talking about singer Donovan.

  • Trying to Manage Stress - Episode 2499

    10/06/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Episode 2499 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino chat about a variety of things like trying to manage stress, food, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Trying to Manage Stress After a jovial exchange about the intro song, Vinnie gives a cancer treatment update. (4:00) He is still isolating to avoid infection. He’s been able to work out. They discuss X and internet trolls. (5:30) Anna asks about Vinnie’s appetite while on treatment. (19:00) Sometimes he takes coconut oil to help satisfy him. They talk about types of blood cancers. What is Vinnie doing to manage stress? (29:30) He’s been going through a lot over the past couple of years. Anna encourages him by reminding him that the people who are for him, understand and support him. Mindset and stress management are just as important as nutrition and treatment. Vinnie is trying to manage stress as

  • Misconceptions About Fats with Dr. Mary Newport - Episode 2498

    07/06/2024 Duration: 01h31min

    Episode 2498 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Dr. Mary Newport and they discuss the misconceptions about fats and Ancel Keys, the benefits of coconut and MCT oil, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Misconceptions About Fats Dr. Mary Newport is driven to find answers and continuously does research. (2:00) Vinnie asks her opinion regarding an Instagram post he made about cholesterol. (9:00) Cholesterol is an important part of the cellular system in our bodies. The buildup of plaques is because of damage caused by inflammation. She explains the different kinds of fats and misconceptions about fats due to Ancelk Keys' conclusions.   Infectious diseases (Spanish flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc) used to lead to premature death over heart disease. (18:00) However in the early 1900s that changed when things like penicillin were discovered

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Levels with Dr. Fung

    23/10/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    Dr. Jason Fung speaks with Vinnie Tortorich on today's Angriest Trainer podcast concerning the effects of diet and insulin. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS DR. FUNG Kidney specialist  Works often with type 2 diabetics -- biggest cause of kidney nephropathy Type 2 linked closely with obesity  Insulin has negative effects  DONALDSONVILLE People all on tons of meds All have a sugary drink and some awful food in their hands MISUNDERSTANDING OF WEIGHT GAIN Obesity links tons of diseases together Dr. Fung started by asking: What causes obesity? Sugar is the enemy, not calories  When you eat less calories, your energy expenditure (and thus fat/fuel usage) goes down  You simply get hungrier Takes time to lose the weight  Cortisol is a stress hormone -- encourages getting fat Leptin -- produced by fat cells, regulates how much fat is in the body If you have lots of fat, leptin is released and tells your brain to stop gaining more weight When you are quite fat, your body stops responding to leptin  Se

  • Obesity, Hormones, and Triathlons

    21/09/2015 Duration: 01h17min

    Vinnie Tortorich and cohost Anna Vocino discuss lack of medication, hormones, and NSNG helping people on this Monday episode of the Angriest Trainer podcast. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS vinnie15 DONALDSONVILLE Vinnie's hometown Last time he visited, he commented how many people were overly obese and all were on at least 3 medications There was initially some backlash, now many are NSNG and getting healthier Vinnie is visiting again soon and will do a show with some NSNGers there  LISTENER DEXTER Listener had food, pain, and other problems  Now, he does cardio, eats healthy, and feels way better He supports NSNG and PVC!  AMAZON WINNER OF THE WEEK Andrea Roberts is the winner She bought period underpants that are stain proof through Vinnie's website  She has also been doing NSNG to help her health issues She will win some NSNG/PVC garb  CREATINE  We get creatine from meat Your body also makes it If you start taking creatine, your body stops making it (bad) If you take anabolic hormones, you

  • The Obesity Epidemic with Gary Taubes

    14/08/2015 Duration: 59min

    Gary Taubes makes a second appearance on the Friday edition of the Angriest Trainer podcast with Vinnie Tortorich. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS GARY TAUBES & HIS MUST-READS Gary is a reporter/journalist (NY Times) and a controversial guy, has done one of the best interviews in this podcast's history Writing another book currently -- so is Vinnie!  Went to Harvard, Stanford, Columbia  Ivy League education definitely affected him  VINNIE'S READING Reads incredibly slowly but comprehends way more than the average person Scientific brain -- he doesn't assume, he knows  Ended up allowing him to not pay attention in class, just read the books NUTRITION WRITING He was doing nutritional pieces for science sections  He looked at evidence and saw whether or not it really was supported Gary wrote a controversial article calling out the nutrition world for saying low fat was bad  Initially was researching what caused the obesity epidemic? Two hypotheses: high fructose corn syrup, shift to low fat d

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