Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 50:43:31
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Hollywood Celebrity Trainer Vinnie Tortorich and his co-hosts nail down the skinny about everything health, diet, and fitness. Get fit. Get inspired. Get entertained.


  • Quality Matters - Episode 2526

    12/08/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Episode 2526 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss Dirty Keto's release on Amazon, why quality matters to both of them, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Quality Matters A prominent vegan doctor/advocate, John McDougall, passed away recently. (2:00) Vinnie had hoped to interview him. Michael Greger ducked out of being a guest on the show a half hour before he was supposed to appear. is out, but was required to be rated PG-13. (9:00) Here is the link: It’s also listed under the Special Interests rather than the Health Documentary category on Amazon. This is why rating and reviewing is critical: it will boost awareness of Dirty Keto. (12:20) Buying or renting the movie is worth it. They discuss electrolytes and why UltraSalt is a superior blend. (29:30) Most others are loaded with forms of sugar. Using UltaSalt can make a big difference; Vinnie sh

  • BEST OF: Diabetes Is Carb Intolerance with Tim Noakes - Episode 2525

    09/08/2024 Duration: 01h11min

    Episode 2525 - In this BEST OF, Vinnie Tortorich and Professor Tim Noakes discuss sports science, how diabetes is carb intolerance, your brain and "the bonk", and much more. [libsyn_podcast id=32507382] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Diabetes Is Carb Intolerance Vinnie and Prof. Tim Noakes begin with a discussion of Tim’s professional background, especially in the early years of sports science. (2:00) He has been involved with sports science for decades; he studies the whole human biological system in its entirety. They discuss the early days of sports science used in the Olympics and other events like the Tour de France and what things were discovered. Tim has written several books such as (now in its 4th edition) and .    and (11:00) Tim constantly reviews new information and updates his work; you have to move with the evidence. Vinnie asks Tim to share what the issue was with Tim’s historical trial and the “tweet heard around the world”. (17:30) The trial was about information and not being ab

  • Watch Dirty Keto - Episode 2524

    07/08/2024 Duration: 40min

    Episode 2524 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss the 2024 Olympics, and that finally you can watch "Dirty Keto" on Amazon! [libsyn_podcast id=32459902] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Watch Dirty Keto A few introductory minutes the conversation turns to the Olympics. (10:00) First, they discuss the Turkish sharpshooter, Yusuf Dikec, pistol-shooting, and also archery techniques. Simone Biles is an amazing powerhouse in gymnastics. (20:00) However, it’s kind of disappointing to Vinnie that she’s doing an ad for Mounjaro. (25:00) Ending the show on a High Note: You can now watch Vinnie's documentary, "Dirty Keto"! (27:30) It’s listed under “Special Interest” with a PG-13 rating. There is nothing in it to have earned a PG-13 rating—it’s family-friendly. Buy or rent it, rate it, and review it! It takes a lot of funding to make films available on each platform. Watching, rating, and giving good reviews will help him expand the do

  • Labs, Labels, and Lies - Episode 2523

    05/08/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode 2523 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss labs, labels, and lies when it comes to labeling food, health claims, and more. [libsyn_podcast id=32427782] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Labs, Labels, and Lies Brain clarity issues and memory triggers. (2:00) Lab-grown meat: it was legal but now it's not. (13:30) Recent guests Natalie and Tara discussed it with Vinnie. It reminds Vinnie of the GMO concerns. Hybridizing foods isn’t necessarily the same thing as GMOs. The phrase “organic” has been bastardized a bit, too; however, there are still rules to follow. The United States has different rules than other countries. (23:00) Some rules don’t even matter, such as “organic” canola oil—it still has hexane. (24:20) Anna’s products use clean ingredients and are organic where possible. Anna reads from the CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) on organics, 7 CFR part 205. (27:00) They discuss BPAs and filtering water using a Vin

  • Food Sovereignty - Episode 2522

    02/08/2024 Duration: 01h13min

    Episode 2522 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with farmers Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen where they discuss agriculture, climate, food sovereignty, raw milk, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Managing the Landscape The political landscape has been on fire lately, but knowing that there is a steadiness between the extremes is comforting. (2:00) Natalie is a cattle rancher and Tara is a dairy farmer and have been involved with agriculture for decades. They are co-hosts of a podcast called “Discover Ag” discussing agriculture and where your food comes from. (9:00) They discuss some of the challenges they encounter, such as animal activists. (11:00) The fringe sides can drum up a lot of attention. When it comes to food, science and emotions are put on the same level. (25:00) They discuss the conversation over the decades about fat, cholesterol, and the h

  • The Softening Of Humans - Episode 2521

    31/07/2024 Duration: 54min

    Episode 2521 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss increasing red blood cells, Mammoth and the softening of humans, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Time In The Mountains Vinnie recently went to Mammoth, and he discusses his blood cell count and how chemo has affected it. (3:00) He also explains how athletes were using blood doping, especially in cycling. (8:00) Vinnie explains why he went to the Mammoth—it can help his blood cell count by using altitude changes. (12:00) If you train close to sea level, you can train your muscles harder. But if you sleep at a high altitude, you recover more quickly. He didn’t do Whitney as planned and used his time to relax a bit more. (16:00) He also appeared on two podcasts for Mike Rowe and Adam Carolla. They reminisce about friends Ozzie, Gina’s dad, and the many talents of the brilliant Serena Scott Thomas. (20:

  • Always Doing Something - Episode 2520

    29/07/2024 Duration: 53min

    Episode 2520 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss how your body is always doing something, there are no plateaus, answer several questions, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Always Doing Something Dr Ben Bocchiccio wants Vinnie to moderate a podcast episode about exercise. (3:00) Vinnie knocks out some words of wisdom for Instagram: you can’t outrun a bad diet. (6:00) He got a compliment the other day. (10:00) Anna is cooking and whipping up a variation on a Philly Cheesesteak. (13:00) She’s giving it a Mexican flair. Check out the video on the YouTube channel, where you can watch Anna work her magic. They continue their conversation from the previous episode regarding “plateaus.” (20:30) The reality is, that your body is always doing something, so there isn’t really a plateau. People snack while bored, and snacking creeps up on you. Anna

  • Empowering Yourself with Daniel Trevor - Episode 2519

    26/07/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Episode 2519 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with author Daniel Trevor and they discuss empowering yourself through health testing, lifestyle changes, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Empowering Yourself Daniel Trevor is the author of “The Unholy Trinity.” (2:00) He almost died of a heart attack at age 72 and he decided to research heart health. (3:30) He shares what happened to him that day. Being slim doesn’t necessarily mean you are metabolically healthy. He investigated the most important lab tests the average person can do, without needing a doctor’s prescription. (9:30) He recommends the OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) with insulin. He learned what he was doing wrong in his nutrition. Another test is GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase). Empowering yourself is important. The book is not only about how Daniel reversed his co-morbid

  • A Mixed Bag - Episode 2518

    24/07/2024 Duration: 51min

    Episode 2518 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss a mixed bag from television, to school lunches, sauna vs. cold plunge, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - A Mixed Bag Gina has been walking a lot again and having a lovely summer. (3:00) Her husband and “kidboy” have been playing basketball twice daily. Serena is currently on Days of Our Lives. (6:00) This leads to a discussion of various television shows. Gina shares a story about a fitness influencer Mom. (17:00) People are pissed off at the influencer for the healthy foods she packs for her kid. Vinnie discusses “the Tweet heard around the world.” (19:00) Various practices were claimed as “healthy” and are now considered wrong. (27:00) One example is cigarette smoking for weight loss. They chat about Vinnie’s parents. (32:00) Gina asks about the benefits of sauna for insulin resistance, especially for meno

  • Redefining A Plateau - Episode 2517

    22/07/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Episode 2517 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss redefining a plateau, how there is always movement, accountability, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Redefining the Plateau Vinnie has been adding exercise videos to the VIP group. (4:30) If you want to join the group, you can put your name on the waitlist at . Vinnie doesn’t believe in “the plateau”, because you are always moving, either forward or backwards. (9:30) We are always learning something; we as humans are never truly stagnant. Vinnie went to his own VIP group to motivate others, because he wanted to get moving even after going through chemo. They discuss what they hear from listeners concerning being in a “plateau.” (23:00) According to some studies, Americans gain the most weight in the latter half of the year. There are so many holidays that are centered around food and candy. (24

  • The Days of Our Lives with Serena Scott Thomas - Episode 2516

    19/07/2024 Duration: 46min

    Episode 2516 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich welcomes Serena Scott Thomas and they announce her official start on Days Of Our Lives, share a second surprise, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - The Days Of Our Lives Today’s show is different than the usual health-related one. Serena gives a brief history of how she ended up becoming an actress. (5:15) She talks about her early career; she did a lot of modeling and was encouraged to get into acting. One of her early roles was playing Princess Diana. Serena has been working on the daytime series “Days of Our Lives”; her first episode is available today! (23:00) The show streams on Peacock. Vinnie and Serena do a little role-playing and have some fun for an excellent reason. (32:00) They reminisce on how they met. Tallulah, Serena’s daughter, happens to call and joins the conversation. And then…..history is made! (40:00) You can follow Serena Scott Thomas on Instagram @sscottthomas

  • A Common Thread - Episode 2515

    17/07/2024 Duration: 36min

    Episode 2515 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss sun exposure, dehydration, a common thread among health issues, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - A Common Thread Gina comments on how great Vinnie looks and asks for an update on his health. (3:00) Vinnie recaps parts of his treatment and how his body responded. He had a conversation with his medical team; many people are hesitant to do that. You can advocate for yourself without being confrontational. They discuss sun exposure and sunscreen. (9:00) There appears to be a common thread with certain health issues; what you eat and put on your body matters. Society is not getting healthier. (13:30) There are other effects from the chemicals in some sunscreens, such as killing ocean reefs. (15:00) They discuss electrolytes, UltraSalt, and fighting dehydration. (22:00) Pickleball is not Vinnie’s favorite sport.

  • The Need For Electrolytes - Episode 2514

    15/07/2024 Duration: 59min

    Episode 2514 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss marathon training, coffee talk about espresso, the need for electrolytes, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Training and Coffee Talk Giving and receiving thank you notes is a nice gesture. (2:00) How do you train for a marathon while having an autoimmune? (10:00) They talk about long races and recovery. How long to train (reasonably). (17:00) Choose a race further out, especially if you don’t have a base. Don't jump from a 10K to trying a marathon. It’s not only a physical challenge, it’s a mental challenge. (19:00) There are extra considerations when you have an autoimmune disease. It’s a long journey to get strength and endurance back. Vinnie has had to build back strength after having chemotherapy treatment. He’s making progress, but moving at a pace that is safe for him during this t

  • BEST OF: Michael Arnstein the Fruitarian - Episode 2513

    12/07/2024 Duration: 01h14min

    Episode 2513 -  In this BEST OF episode that originally aired on January 17, 2014, Anna and Vinnie speak with Andrew Weaver about his podcast, and to Michael Arnstein the Fruitarian, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS ANDREW WEAVER & PODCASTS Vinnie and Anna start the show with Andrew Weaver and some comedy fun about Twitter accounts. (1:15) Andrew also talks about how his podcast came about and that he is a fanboy of Vinnie's. Vinnie mentions Michael Arnstein and what he plans to ask him. (11:00) They also chat about other well-known podcast personalities. THE FRUITARIAN Vinnie and Anna then welcome fruitarian Michael Arnstein to the conversation and ask him questions about his lifestyle.(28:00) They ask him about his claims about his daily fruit intake as well as plenty of other questions. (32:15) They also chat about how he got into Ultra running and why he became fruitarian. (46:25) Michael cha

  • Where There's A Will - Episode 2512

    10/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    Episode 2512 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss racewalking, walking as exercise, where there's a will there's a way, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Where There's A Will The Rolling Stones are in their 80s, and Mick Jagger is still super active. (2:00) Vinnie wants to be active into his 80s, too. A recent US Olympic Team qualifier is 58-year-old woman, Michelle Rohl. (6:00) She is a racewalker. The technique looks odd to those who aren’t familiar with it, but it’s a lot of work. Vinnie shares a lesson about the human body. (10:30) Walking is a great exercise, contrary to what some random “influencers” would claim. (16:00) There can be various valid challenges in getting started, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Angola Penitentiary in Louisiana grows its food. (24:45) Vinnie worked at a different prison but is familiar with how things are

  • Call Him Mr. Lagniappe - Episode 2511

    08/07/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Episode 2511 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss the VIP Group and why you can call him "Mr. Lagniappe," collagen, meat recipes, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Call Him Mr. Lagniappe Having a “type”, mental health, and a little more. (2:00) The VIP Group is open until today, Monday 7/8 at MIDNIGHT. (8:00) There is new content being added, including exercise videos. And of course, the two LIVE group consults with Vinnie, twice a month. The plan is to have an item (like a hat) available exclusively to VIP Members. Broth, collagen peptides, and gelatin—what is different or better about collagen peptides or gelatin powder? (18:30) Marine collagen vs. Bovine collagen: What’s the difference? Collagen is good for skin, hair, and nails, but it can be great for joint health; however, it takes time. It’s not a miracle, but it can help. Real weight

  • Twelve Thousand Miles with Ken Posner - Episode 2510

    05/07/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode 2510 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with barefoot runner Ken Posner about running over twelve thousand miles, mindfulness in nature, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Twelve Thousand Miles Barefoot running is a trend that has slowed down, but not for Ken. (2:00) An hour of cardio per day is recommended for good cardiac health. (8:00) Sitting is the new smoking. We get used to setting a new normal for ourselves that is so comfortable, we move further away from what our bodies were meant to do (10:30) Ken describes his transition to barefoot running (15:00) There are difficulties to it that people need help getting used to, but Ken loves it. Ken has logged approximately 12,000 miles running barefoot! (22:30) He used to wear orthotics but his feet have changed due to barefoot running. Our feet aren’t meant to wear shoes with heels or r

  • Nature vs. Nurture - Episode 2509

    03/07/2024 Duration: 45min

    Episode 2506 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss "nature vs. nurture" in health and fitness, "raw-dogging" a flight, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Nature vs. Nurture Music and classic rock stations, walkmans, and more. (2:00) Vinnie mentions a recent conversation with a client who needs a little adjustment in his outlook. (11:30) Vinnie’s recent Instagram post shows how fit he is. He shares how one compliment in his younger years motivated him to never be out of shape. (15:00) Gina asks his opinion on “Nature vs. Nurture.” He references a photo you may want to watch in the YouTube episode. (19:30) Vinnie has re-opened the NSNG® VIP Membership portal--you can officially join from July 1 through July 7, 2024! (25:00) Don’t miss it—it is a very active community with new content being added. Vinnie has posted exercise videos that you can follow along with.

  • Spice Up Your Day - Episode 2508

    01/07/2024 Duration: 58min

    Episode 2508 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss exercise, Dirty Keto, and VIPs as Anna cooks up some salsa recipes to spice up your day, and more. (***portions of this podcast were aired live***) PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Spice Up Your Day Anna is cooking Live and is making some tasty salsa! (2:00) She makes recommendations for both green and red salsas. You can watch Anna work her salsa magic on YouTube. Vinnie gives an update on Dirty Keto (6:20). Vinnie has asked for guidance from Peter Pardini and reached out to Amazon. At the time of this recording, Vinnie’s new documentary "Dirty Keto" was supposed to be released; however, it has hit a delay. You can go to Vinnie's website and enter your email to get notified when it is up on Amazon. When it comes out, make sure you watch and rate it. A listener asks for a chemo update on Vinnie. (10:00

  • Practice What You Preach with Scott King - Episode 2507

    28/06/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Episode 2507 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Scott King to discuss how to practice what you preach, training for triathlons, and more. [libsyn_podcast id=31924357] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Practice What You Preach Some people in the health and fitness space do not appear to practice what they preach. (4:00) Scott recounts his story of the revelation he received that he had to take control of his health. (7:30) He was approximately 600 pounds, had bariatric surgery, but was gaining back weight. A harrowing episode with his young daughter’s safety shook him into action. He heard Vinnie on Adam & Dr Drew and started researching. Vinnie shares some realities of being on chemo. (13:00) He has started posting workout videos in his NSNG® VIP group, because he is starting from square one, too. Scott reveals what it’s like to get gastric bypass surgery. (17:30) Even after being NSNG® for a while and having success, Scott’s w

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