The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 410:09:17
  • More information



Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.


  • Dr's JJ Hurtak & Desiree Hurtak on the 'Keys of Enoch'

    16/07/2015 Duration: 59min

    This wide ranging interview covers many interlinking and overlapping subjects, including; Consciousness, New Paradigm, Quantum Realities, Space Time - ET’s and UFO’s - Trans Pluto, Mother Earth, Sustainability, Ecological Awareness, Co-creation and Co-operation. When we sleep at night we basically disconnect from our outer realm and bodily sensations and enter what JJ Hurtak says is ‘an ocean of consciousness, swimming in hyperspace’ - that our consciousness is not localised in our body it is open to a vast plethora of dimensions - as the Australian Aborigines aptly named the 'dream time.' That there are many levels of sleep. Beyond rapid eye movement and all the analysis that has take place, and the usual mixed messages of dreams we experience, we can tap into other realms that are available to us every night. JJ Hurtak mentions the dreams of Joseph when back in Egypt and his ability to interpret them for the Pharaoh. So there is a long history of the potency of dreams, however with present day humanity, e

  • Gary Cranston with Lisa Er on GE Trees and Climate Change

    02/07/2015 Duration: 59min

    “You cannot insert a gene you took from a bacteria into a seed, and call it life. You haven’t created life, you have polluted it.” ~ Vandana Shiva.   The UN Food and Agriculture Organization's definition of 'forest' includes commercial plantations of fast growing trees - often replacing biodiverse native forests relied on by local communities. Perhaps this shonky description of a forest is really to accommodate industry, carbon sinks for emissions trading, and making money from climate change.   Forest conservation has been thought to be the simplest way to fight climate change, particularly in New Zealand, where cars and cows are incredibly effective carbon producers. Have we now reduced the description of forests to ‘any area covered by trees’, discarding the structural, functional and biological diversity of non-tree elements that make up a forest, as well as the cultural importance of the interaction between forests and communities? Drawing parallels between the treatment of workers and the treatment o

  • Lyndon Burford with Lisa Er on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty & Nuclear Disarmament

    25/06/2015 Duration: 59min

    Forty-five years since the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) took effect, and 70 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, more than 16,000 nuclear weapons still exist-many on Cold War-era alert, ready to launch in 15 minutes. Over the past 45 years, the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has put in place an indispensable yet imperfect set of rules for creating a safer world. Under the treaty, countries without nuclear weapons agree not to get them, and countries with nuclear weapons, (China, France, Russia, the UK and the US) agree to eventually get rid of them. India, Israel and Pakistan have nuclear weapons but have not joined the NPT; North Korea withdrew from the NPT in 2003, and then began testing nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, nuclear armed countries are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on modernising their arsenals.

  • Evaluating and Finding Solutions on Human Health with John Coombs and Lisa Er

    04/06/2015 Duration: 59min

    Is our lifestyle impacting on our health more than it did when our grandparents were growing up? We have better hygiene for sure, so why are we not the picture of health that we should and could be? Perhaps in the old days people spent more time out of doors and not on electronic equipment; they ate seasonally when food was available; they cooked at home and ate far less pre-prepared food; they didn’t eat GMOs, preservatives, stabilizers and food additives, and they had far fewer prescription drugs.

  • Sue Bradford: A Leftwing Think Tank For Aotearoa

    28/05/2015 Duration: 48min

    A Major Leftwing Think Tank In Aotearoa: Call To Action Or Impossible Dream? Sue Bradford interviewed by Lisa Er. A Think Tank is a community-based not for profit organisation which undertakes detailed research and policy development in order to influence and enhance public policy formation across a broad range of issues, through publications, media work, lobbying, conferences, workshops and other forms of advocacy and education. To improve the lot of the many disadvantaged New Zealanders it is imperative that we Kiwis join together and stand up for a significantly more egalitarian society. If a Left Wing Think Tank can share input and influence in all sorts of areas where people show compassion for those less fortunate than themselves, then it will be well worth the effort getting this initiative off the ground.

  • Jeff Clarkson - Composer, Musician and Mediation Facilitator

    21/05/2015 Duration: 01h01s

    Jeff is a gifted New Zealand composer and musician, especially in marrying the pan pipes with electronic synthesizers. He has been playing since 1984 and has been consistently bringing through new sounds, hitting some profoundly beautiful notes and melodies as well as haunting numbers that touch the very soul of your being. Over the last 10 years he has started to teach meditation that is very complimentary to the soft clear sounds or nature that he creates.

  • Lisa Er and The Awareness Party, From A Movement To A Political Party

    14/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Can a new ‘conscious’ political party come into being from the grass roots up and take a large majority of New Zealanders with them to reshape our political landscape as well as revitalise our cultural aspirations? NZ was once the envy of the world, as many New Zealanders owned their own homes as well as had a stake in a large number of co-operatives, mutual insurance societies, trust banks, building societies plus liquor and hotel trusts. Today - all gone. We were once seen as a fair country where everyone basically would get a good deal. To many overseas countries, we in NZ were seen as more egalitarian, as well as a moral compass for good and we were known as being charitable. So what are the key ingredients to governance and self governance so that we can all take our place within the context of a participative and an anticipatory democracy where we as a 'conscious' communities come together to cooperatively shape our entire nation. How would a ‘new manifestos’ look when pulling all the differing threads

  • Anne Huxtable On The Power of Sound

    29/04/2015 Duration: 58min

    Anne Huxtable, is an executive producer of the documentary, “Song of the New Earth – Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound”, and is on tour in Australia and New Zealand during March and April 2015, to promote screenings of the film. The film features the transformative life journey of the renowned sound healer, psychotherapist and modern day mystic Tom Kenyon, from a young aspiring Nashville musician to an internationally revered sound alchemist. Western science has confirmed what ancient traditions have known for centuries; sound has the power to heal. Sound Healing (also known as Sonic Therapy) can be used as pure tones or as music and can positively affect a large array of physiological and psychological states.

  • Marie Brown of ‘EDS’ Environmental Defence Society & their recent publication Vanishing Nature

    15/04/2015 Duration: 58min

    We in New Zealand are still pushing nature closer to extinction and there are huge challenges. Yet, there are also some major game changer solutions that we can enact. Like altering the New Zealand economic way of life to recognise that Conservation would be a very sensible thing to do. This being to place penalties that are such high costs on business that damages ecosystems, that it is just economical not to engage in. This interview covers a vast amount of important information and was most enjoyable with Marie making very poignant points in a very eloquent fashion.

  • Dee Pignéguy: Organic Garden Workshops, Author, Freelance Writer, Speaker

    08/04/2015 Duration: 59min

    With a 1/4 acre section Dee has turned her garden into a food forest - saving heaps of visits to the supermarket, yet becoming super healthy in the process. She has 30 odd fruit trees in that area with raised veggie garden plots plus chickens and growing and harvesting 4 times a year the only things she buys are onions and mushrooms, because onions take to long to grow. Visitors are totally blown away by the diversity of plants when visiting Dee’s garden. Yet, she also allows weeds like horehound to grow to make cough medicine including red sage as it may even be the first traditional Chinese remedy to gain approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the biggest challenge for home gardeners is that for 9 out of 10, it is the soil that is the problem, having no humous and lacking in minerals, and prospective gardeners think that they can just buy fertiliser and pour it on however that's is not like it at all. We have to build it up, with seaweed, horse, cow and sheep manure, compost and i

  • Laila Harré – It is time to Rethink the System

    01/04/2015 Duration: 59min

    After the last election Laila Harré felt not only beaten, but the need to withdraw and not actively participate in the political system. So her psychology lecturer sister Niki Harré, (author of “Psychology for a Better World”) picked her up and suggested they went on a pilgrimage - walking and hitchhiking around North Island, carrying no money, presenting in different centres and listening to feedback from the community. They created a tour that went from February 1st to the 28th 2015 in 27 different centres. Laila tells us of the way they presented and got people talking. There is a strong commonality of deep human values and to move forward successfully we need to recognise them and ensure that our social systems and institutions address those values. The vision is, after all, in the hearts of the people.

  • Dr Bruce Lipton - Internationally Acclaimed Epigenetics Pioneer and Quantum Biologist

    26/03/2015 Duration: 59min

    This discussion with Bruce Lipton focuses on a variety of practical health solutions and proactive self empowerment options for people of all ages and circumstances. Drawing from Bruce's best selling published work, the Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect, the interview provides scientific information on many aspects of holistic health to encourage a positive attitude and lifestyle balance for integrated mental, emotional physical and social wellness. You will learn why a healthy attitude contributes to your health, how your brain can be reprogrammed for life enhancing benefits and how quantum energy systems affect our welfare beyond the recognised material dimension.

  • Barry Coates on the TPPA, Green Issues and Political Vision

    18/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    Barry Coates, Ex CEO for Oxfam NZ, Green Politician, studied as an economist at Yale in the US. This is the voice of a human being who deeply cares … especially when there are signs that the international community are not going to step up to the climate change crisis … this should be deeply worrying, especially for our children and grandchildren. This interview is from a person who has a wide hands-on knowingness of the challenges before us and the gumption to put his being on the line for future generations.

  • Bruce Lipton Talks About Cellular Fields, The Soul & Life After Life

    11/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    Bruce pushes the envelope in this barrier bursting interview. We especially in the Western world mindset have let go of spirituality and all kinds of meta physical concepts and instead live in this material plane world and look what we have done to it? We have brought it to the 6th mass extinction today the species loss is 1000 times more in volume and speed than normal. Bruce opens up and takes us beyond the veil to a realisation as to quite possibly – why we are here and gives a juicy snippet on some of the hidden qualities of existence. That we need not wait till we die before we can go to heaven, that when we are present and in the moment this is when we can consciously evolve as in Conscious Evolution and create from this instant onwards! We are energy beings, most indigenous people have known this for ages … it’s Western man who has forgotten.

  • Professor Paul Connett & Dr Bill Hirzy on the Danger of Fluoride

    25/02/2015 Duration: 57min

    Fluoride reduces IQ and yet our government and the Department of Health still insist it is good for us! Lisa Er interviews two US scientists, Professor Paul Connett and Dr Bill Hirzy on The Danger of Fluoride.

  • Bruce Lipton on Love and 'The Honeymoon Effect'

    18/02/2015 Duration: 01h01s

    This is an informative as well as entertaining interview that takes a seriously light-hearted journey through the honeymoon effect, out to the other side … and back. From the Prime Ministers Office down to Bart Simpson to Confucius to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh including the Holy Breath. This also encompasses values and virtues to pleasure and pain, oxytocin and sin and the 6th great extinction. The way forward through this, is to see humanity as one colossal super organism and awakening to a greater consciousness on earth is going to be the great decider!

  • Jon Carapiet on our future with GE and GMO's, plus the NZ Food Matters Conference

    11/02/2015 Duration: 59min

    This GreenplanetFM Interview with Jon Carapiet is wide ranging with Jon, coming through at the end with some optimistic pointers and positives. This is more than GE and GMO’s it’s about the different high powered chemicals that are used on plants that are resistant to these particular sprays, but allow all other grasses, vegetation and weeds to be killed. This is the case here in NZ where I repeat - that animals are now eating the sprayed dying vegetation, and these animals are producing products, such as milk and meat that is now being consumed by unaware, New Zealanders. It’s actually a battle against nature through toxic chemical saturation, especially with glyphosate that not only kills all of the targeted plant kingdom, but more so, affect the mega trillions of bacteria and fungi that are pivotal at breaking down the soil and organic matter making this instead, unavailable to the finite roots hairs of every plant.

  • Glen Atkinson - Biodynamics Specialist, Biodynamic Homeopath and Astrologer

    05/02/2015 Duration: 59min

    John Coombs interviews Glen Atkinson, biodynamics specialist, biodynamic homeopath and astrologer on the interrelated systems that govern the universe, our planet and our own ecosystem or personal health. Glen who has worked practically in this field for 40 years has made substantial breakthroughs integrating this knowledge using the work of Rudolf Steiner as a backbone and extending this with modern quantum science. They discuss interrelated systems and opportunities for humanity.

  • Lisa Er & John Coombs End Of Year Overview with Tim Lynch

    17/12/2014 Duration: 59min

    This was a extremely interesting finale to GreenplanetFM’s year of broadcasting. Showing that innovation and intuitive insights are still pushing the boundaries here in NZ, and that as NZ is the closest large country to the international dateline, it can be said that we in NZ see tomorrow first.From this discussion we still recognise that grass roots organising is the only way we can initiate change, being that which has localised support.Lisa, laying down a new framework so as to guide us in self governance at a community to national level that is guided by a conscious blue print that takes human governance to a level never before envisaged and John, talking to quantum biology adding that for people to not be limited from lack of energy, we must ensure we operate at optimum health. With the use of new cutting edge health technology have our hormones in balance, eating preferably organic sustenance, to empower us to co-create our day, and contribute in the community as part of a far larger dynamic whole. Lisa

  • Bryce Langston - Advocate Tiny House Evolution

    10/12/2014 Duration: 55min

    Want to buy or build a Tiny House and Downsize? Don't want to be constrained by mortgages and the matrix? By building an affordable tiny house on a trailer, you can move it along roads to land beyond the reaches of the city.

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