The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Bruce Lipton Talks About Cellular Fields, The Soul & Life After Life



Bruce pushes the envelope in this barrier bursting interview. We especially in the Western world mindset have let go of spirituality and all kinds of meta physical concepts and instead live in this material plane world and look what we have done to it? We have brought it to the 6th mass extinction today the species loss is 1000 times more in volume and speed than normal. Bruce opens up and takes us beyond the veil to a realisation as to quite possibly – why we are here and gives a juicy snippet on some of the hidden qualities of existence. That we need not wait till we die before we can go to heaven, that when we are present and in the moment this is when we can consciously evolve as in Conscious Evolution and create from this instant onwards! We are energy beings, most indigenous people have known this for ages … it’s Western man who has forgotten.