Littoral Space

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1:52:11
  • More information



Littoral Space is a podcast that explores social, cultural, and environmental topics using a geographical lens. Each episode is a conversations with a person who has experiences and expertise in an area of interest that provides a distinct insight into the world around us. It is hosted by Dr Richard Scriven, a social scientist and lecturer in human geography. The podcast intends to contribute to understanding of contemporary issues (especially in an Irish context), and hopefully spark explorations of subjects or promoted action to help make a better world. Littoral - an adjective, relating to or situated on the shore of the sea or a lake - is used as a metaphor from a zone of convergence and change, a liminal space in which fluid understandings emerge and positive impact is encouraged


  • Conscious Lee 3 Connections With Rivers

    09/05/2021 Duration: 15min

    Conscious Lee is a podcast to help people value and protect their rivers. The third episode considers our connection with the River Lee through the experiences of different people. It presents a range of voices that illustrate how rivers are used and misused. We have contributions from activist Chris Moody, Councillor Lorna Bogue, photographer Paul Carroll, Frank O'Connor of Anois, Tadhg O’Connell, of Atlantic Sea Kayaking, and Aodhán Rilke, see links below. It also uses Sustainable Development Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation helps think about how we can protect and restore water-related ecosystems, such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Conscious Lee is produced by students of Creativity and Change, a course in Munster Technical University’s Crawford College of Art & Design. Colette Mulholland, Ann Lambe, Flo Whitworth, and Richard Scrvien narrated, and the field recordings were made by artist Vicki Langan and Richard. It is released through Littoral Space, a podcast by Dr Richard Scriven. This work is shar

  • Conscious Lee Episode 2 Bluespace

    18/04/2021 Duration: 17min

    Conscious Lee is a podcast to help people value and protect their rivers. In the second episode, we explore the concept of ‘bluespace’ which describes the health improvements of spending time by water. Building on the first podcast, it shows us how respecting rivers has multiple benefits for people and wildlife. We have contributions from Dr Sarah Bell, lecturer in health geography in the University of Exeter, Denise Cahill Cork Healthy Cities Co-coordinator, and Laura Ní Fhearghail, see links below. It also uses Sustainable Development Goal 15, Life on land, to show the importance of rivers, waterways, wetlands, and lifestyle choices you can make to help address our climate and biodiversity crisis. Conscious Lee is produced by students of Creativity and Change, a course in Munster Technical University’s Crawford College of Art & Design. Colette Mulholland, Ann Lambe, Flo Whitworth, and Richard Scrvien narrated, and the field recordings were made by artist Vicki Langan and Richard. It is released through Lit

  • Conscious Lee 1: Otters & River Habitats

    11/04/2021 Duration: 16min

    Conscious Lee is a podcast to help people value and protect their rivers. This first episode explores otters in Cork rivers and discusses the importance of water habitats, and how we can respect them. It has contributions from Gill Weyman of Cork Nature Network, activist Chris Moody, Jude Sherry of Anois, and Cork city Councillor Lorna Bogue, see links below. It also uses Sustainable Development Goal 15, Life on land, to show the importance of rivers, waterways, wetlands, and lifestyle choices you can make to help address our climate and biodiversity crisis. Conscious Lee is produced by students of Creativity and Change, a course in Munster Technical University’s Crawford College of Art & Design. Colette Mulholland, Ann Lambe, Flo Whitworth, and Richard Scrvien narrated, and the field recordings were made by artist Vicki Langan and Richard. It is released through Littoral Space, a podcast by Dr Richard Scriven. This work is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationa

  • Fluvial Tones: Cork is the Lee Supplemental

    01/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Fluvial Tones is a creative response to my work on the River Lee that blends field recordings with short excerpts from interviews to indicate how the natural, social, and cultural all flow together. The pieces collated from the Cork is the Lee podcast directly present the soundscape without commentary to let the river and voices speak for themselves highlighting the river’s agency and complex role for the people and region. Rivers are natural systems that have enabled human life and habitation for millenia, as a result they are subjected to all types of uses and interferences. Despite being forded, bridged, dammed, and channelled the river Lee continues to flow adding to the richness of Cork. It is a meeting place for the natural and the human, and the accompanying questions that occur at these confluences. Fluvial Tones derives from Cork is the Lee, a component of Littoral Space podcast created by Dr Richard Scriven, which received funding from Cork City Council's Local Heritage Grant 2019. It feature

  • Cork is the Lee Episode 7 Oxbow Lakes & Conclusions

    21/10/2019 Duration: 18min

    This final episode gathers sections left over from the other installments to tell a varied story of the Lee combining its natural, geographical, cultural, and historical layers. It also includes the main conclusions from the project and recommendations made to Cork City Council. The opening and closing music is composed and played by Claire Layton; the field recordings are made and edited by Vicky Langan ( and Richard Scriven, narration is provided by Ruth Harrington, Aisling White, Dionne Carroll, and Joe Kiely gave production assistance. Cork is the Lee is co-created by geographer Dr Richard Scriven, with funding from Cork City Council's Local Heritage Grant 2019. This podcast is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which means you can remix, tweak, and build upon this work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under the same terms; save for the materials from Cork Folklore Project

  • Cork is the Lee Episode 6 Being On And With

    14/10/2019 Duration: 17min

    This episode focuses on our connections with the river by experiencing it from on the surface or on the banks. Despite everything else going on around the city - the traffic, the rushing, the noises - the river itself passes, threading its own course. By being on or by the river we can feel affinities to it, a sense that links us with its calming presence.

  • Cork is the Lee Episode 5 Nature and Wildlife

    07/10/2019 Duration: 18min

    The River Lee and its tributaries are a rich habitat for wildlife and biodiversity running across county Cork and through the city. This episode focuses on nature and wildlife along the river encourages us to (re)appreciate its natural heritage through discussions of otters, fishing, pollution, and birdlife. The opening and closing music is composed and played by Claire Layton; the field recordings are made and edited by Vicky Langan ( and Richard Scriven, narration is provided by Ruth Harrington and Aisling White, and Joe Kiely gave production assistance. Cork is the Lee is co-created by geographer Dr Richard Scriven, with funding from Cork City Council's Local Heritage Grant 2019. This podcast is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which means you can remix, tweak, and build upon this work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under the same terms; save for the materials from Cork