The Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) payroll podcast is aimed at the Canadian payroll community and employers in general. In each episode, the host will talk to subject matter experts. They will cover important topics related to deducting, remitting, and reporting payroll deductions, detailed aspects and key concepts you need to understand to meet your obligations as an employer or payer, and other payroll questions the CRA is asked.
Small business deduction – Defining active business
23/04/2018 Duration: 07minIn this episode, we finish our two-part conversation on the small business deduction, this time discussing the differences between active business income and income from a specified investment business or a personal services business.
Small business deduction – Is your business eligible?
09/04/2018 Duration: 07minThis episode is the first of a two-part series on the small business deduction. We will be discussing some of the key concepts for businesses when determining eligibility for the small business deduction.
Canada Pension Plan Enhancement - Planned phases
05/02/2018 Duration: 09minIn this episode, we finish our two-part conversation on the Canada pension plan (CPP) enhancement with subject matter expert Kevin, of the Business Compliance Directorate at the CRA, this time discussing some important information for individuals and how the enhancement will be rolled out.
Canada Pension Plan Enhancement - Introduction
15/01/2018 Duration: 09minIn this episode, subject matter expert Kevin, of the Business Compliance Directorate at the CRA, is joining us to discuss some of the upcoming changes to the CPP and how they will affect employers in general.
Gifts and awards
06/03/2017 Duration: 16minIn this episode, we finish our four-part conversation on taxable benefits with subject matter expert Kira, this time discussing the CRA’s Gifts and Awards Policy, the definition of gifts, awards, and rewards, and the difference between cash/near-cash and non-cash gifts and awards.
Parking as a taxable benefit
20/02/2017 Duration: 17minIn this episode, we continue our four-part conversation on taxable benefits with subject matter expert Kira, this time discussing key concepts related to parking as a taxable benefit, including situations when parking is required for business, the fair market value of a parking spot, and the definition of scramble parking.
Automobile and motor vehicle benefits
06/02/2017 Duration: 19minIn this episode, we continue our four-part conversation on taxable benefits with subject matter expert Kira, this time discussing key concepts related to automobile and motor vehicle benefits, including personal driving, keeping records, and the differences between an automobile and a motor vehicle.
Introduction to taxable benefits
23/01/2017 Duration: 21minIn this first episode, you will hear from subject matter expert Kira. She will talk about taxable benefits and the key concepts employers need to understand to determine if a benefit they give their employees is taxable.