Finding Peace - Carol Howe's Weekly Spiritual Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 7:14:20
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See How Life Works creates films and materials to guide you on the path to Peace of Mind. Our core DVD series is based on A Course In Miracles - a spiritual process that can assist and guide anyone to release fear and guilt, allowing health, joy, and peace of mind to return. We also have a weekly podcast series hosted by the co-founder of See How Life Works, Carol Howe. Her work is grounded in science and research. With decades of teaching and counseling experience, Carol is a world-renowned expert who will show you how to apply this material to all circumstances of your daily life.


  • Passion and gratitude: the dynamic duo!

    09/10/2016 Duration: 09min

    At a recent art exhibit opening, a star of the HBO series, The Sopranos, was present as he is a fervent admirer of the artist whose work was on display and an owner of several of the pieces. Such fun to watch his passion and appreciation for this wonderful artist’s work (Francesco de Mura). So - a great reminder to assess your own passion level and move toward full-out loving and expressing in all areas of life. And a thought to keep close in your heart: Our Creator passionately loves “showing up as YOU!” Now that’s something to be grateful for!

  • Lessons From Pressure Washing

    26/08/2016 Duration: 10min

    Well, whoever would have guessed that the lowly pressure washer could teach us a lesson. Just as a layer of mildew grows on driveways and other surfaces in humid climates, a layer of fear, confusion, and distress grows over our eternal peace of mind that is always, already present in our lives. Neither driveway nor happiness is disturbed by these temporary surface coverings. Happily - that pressure washer removes mildew instantly/completely and releasing our grievances leads to happiness and safety with equal speed and ease. For help with that “inner cleaning” our See How Life Works videos will provide all the tools you need. Make sure to Like Our Facebook page which will give you lots of resources to create and step into the greatest life possible. Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe,

  • From “I” to “WE” and a Happier Life!

    31/07/2016 Duration: 10min

    Once again, we can delight in the fact that thousands of years of profound metaphysical teaching and more recent discoveries in quantum physics have joined hands. So it’s time to reeducate ourselves, to realize everything we experience originates in the mind. No small task!! To move in the direction of experiencing the perennial truth of Oneness, we are instructed to think of everything from the inclusive standpoint of “we,” rather than the exclusive ego position of “I.” “We” vibrates at a higher frequency that “I” and that higher frequency is where we experience the peaceful, fulfilling, and secure life. So don’t try to solve problems the old way; focus instead on raising that frequency and watch difficulties mysteriously melt away! And, as always, you’ll get a big assist in the right direction by allowing the See How Life Works videos to help you out!

  • Can we be smarter than a lizard?

    13/07/2016 Duration: 10min

    Many creatures physically back up or run away when threatened, and at least psychologically, we have been conditioned to do the same. The conventional wisdom is to avoid, close down, contract, hate, object to, or resist the threatening element. This ALWAYS makes things worse in the long run. No matter how difficult or distressing a situation, it will ALWAYS change for the better if we open up to it, expand, accept and love all that is involved. 100% of the time! Any time we choose, we can start over and love everything/everyone, especially ourselves for not loving in the first place. Objecting to anything is why it’s there. And loving is how it will disappear. Our See How Life Works series helps to make this idea both clear and lots of fun! Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe,

  • Steps to our own Independence Day!

    05/07/2016 Duration: 10min

    July 4, 1988 was Bill Thetford’s (co-scribe of A Course In Miracles) Independence Day from this world. Bill steadily applied the universal principles set forth in the Course, and by the end of his life, had successfully released all his grievances and experienced joy beyond description! And he has led the way for all of us. So today we renew our commitment to ourselves, know the path he took is within our reach, steadily untangle ourselves from our own egos, and follow in his footsteps toward release from all pain, fear, and limitation. And freedom is ours! And our See How Life Works videos speed us all on our way to a very Happy (and permanent) Independence Day! Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe,

  • With Commitment, All Is Possible

    12/06/2016 Duration: 09min

    My first real job out of college required more than I thought it was possible to deliver, but when you make a commitment, resources show up, you take one day at a time, and quite miraculously, it all works out and feels great. And since that position involved working with teenagers, it cemented my love affair with them that lasts until this day. So here’s to celebrating and encouraging the teenager in all of us - willing to explore how life works, open to learning and seeing what’s around the corner, and responding eagerly to being listened to and cared for. If you’re ready to let your “teenager” come out and play, by all means check out our See How Life Works series for helpful hints. Make sure to Like Our Facebook page which will give you lots of resources to create and step into the greatest life possible. Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe,

  • The Guidance Offered By The Number 33

    29/05/2016 Duration: 09min

    From the perspective of numerology, 33 is the most influential of master numbers and represents “offering guidance to the world.” So what is that guidance for our modern world? One of the most critically important points for all of us to understand - our world reflects our attitude, thoughts, beliefs, and unexamined ideas. Although the world seems huge, objective and powerful, it really is our mindset looking back at us - exact to the last detail, and we’re the ones with the power! What could be more important than finally understanding and living from this knowledge? Join with me to discover the most efficient way to change attitude with little effort on our parts, but bringing wonderful and life-changing experience. Our See How Life Works series is the perfect guide for this essential, mind-changing enterprise. Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe,

  • Learn How Life Is the Exact Mirror Of Attitude

    08/05/2016 Duration: 10min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Our outer lives are mirrors of our inner attitudes. Notice the characteristics of the image in a mirror - it looks back at us but does not initiate. It takes no time nor effort on our part to appear when we stand in front of it, or change in response to our prayers or demands. In the same way, our world appears in effortless response to what we believe, request, and pay attention to and cannot substantively change until attitude changes. And, happily, we are entirely in charge of an attitude upgrade. Nothing needs to be different for us to start to change our minds. Our See How Life Works series is a great aid in shifting that attitude back to one where your reflected world is a kinder and more peaceful one.  Enjoy your new world!

  • Don’t take the villains away!

    22/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, We’ve been told from many sources that we can re-create our past history because our past actually no longer exists. Any moment is literally a new beginning. That means we can “remember” a past with only kind and supportive people being present for us. No villains or enemies. Notice how suspicious and unwilling the ego mind is to recreate a past without pain and difficulty. Ask yourself, “Would I be delighted to find no one has ever hurt me?” Listen carefully to this most important and revealing answer to see why we do not jump with joy at recognizing this liberating choice - why we prefer being victims instead. Our See How Life Works series is designed to facilitate this life-saving choice for a happier life!

  • Your Clean Slate

    10/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Children love coloring on a new clean piece of paper. They finish one drawing and are happy then to move on with a new different sheet. We can learn from them. Each day is literally a new clean unblemished canvas for drawing the life of your choosing. We can be as excited as children in creating a new happier experience with no requirement to bring yesterday’s pictures along. They are not impelled to keep drawing the same picture over and over endlessly and we need not be either. Such an important fact of life and one we’ll explore from several angles. Enjoy and see how this is possible in our See How Life Works series.

  • Resurrection - Opening to the Truth of Ourselves

    27/03/2016 Duration: 09min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Happy Easter! And how can we not talk about resurrection, as that’s the central topic of this day. But here, it’s about our own coming back to life. So this is for everyone, not just those who subscribe to a certain religion. We deaden ourselves when we close down and want to live the ego-driven, separated, “It’s all about me” life. We’ve been duped into believing this brings safety and happiness. It does not. Everyone who has every played on a team, sung in a chorus, or participated in a group event knows that great feeling of giving fully of one’s self. And ever so much greater the joy when we come back to life by opening up once again to the brilliant Oneness of our being. Watch our See How Life Works series to explore more of this topic.

  • The Military Chorus of Joy

    13/03/2016 Duration: 08min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Beautifully trained musicians and other performers can teach us something as they let life flow through their talent and not be impeded by it. We can also use our special talents, not in service to the ego, but to extend the joyful qualities of life to others, thereby strengthening those same qualities in ourselves. A major law of life is that what we give or offer to others is increased in us. Therefore, it would be wise to note what we offer - to ourselves AND others - as we will always be the recipients! Not knowing this law does not give us a pass. Let our See How Life Works videos provide a map and compass for riding peacefully on the “sea of life.”

  • The Grace Of Puppy Love

    21/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, We all want to feel safe and loved, and for a great many people, nothing is as reassuring as a beautiful dog looking at you intently and lovingly, conveying “I’m here; you’re safe!” Dogs do not judge or withhold their affection and attention based on our behavior. They see beyond mere form and we are invited to follow their lead as they demonstrate unconditional acceptance, providing us with the perfect role model. Our See How Life Works videos clarify how caring for others, rather than it’s “all about me,” is our fast track to healing since what we offer others always increases within ourselves.

  • The Light Of The World

    14/02/2016 Duration: 09min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, We’re off back through time for a quick trip to Thebes, Egypt to be reminded of the fact that there is one unified Source of all that is. What’s more, in his life-changing spiritual revelation, Amenhotep IV, who later changed his name to Akhenaten in honor of this one Source - Aten - experienced this Source as light. And here today, in A Course In Miracles (and other spiritual texts), we find many references to Light. Lesson 61 - “I am the light of the world” So our job is actually to BE the light of the world, extend our love, and resist nothing. As a friend says, “Glow to know” and watch how graciously life unfolds. Our See How Life Works series will take you by the hand and lead you along this light-filled way.

  • The Spa for the Soul

    30/01/2016 Duration: 07min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Who doesn’t love a day at a spa - feeling relaxed, comforted, and without a care in the world! That can be our default way of living once we’re willing to clear out old ideas that do not serve and that keep us afraid and stuck. A good place to begin is with our presumptions about cause and effect. What we experience at any given moment has its cause in that moment, not in the past and future. Exploring the real causes of our distress leads to freedom and peace of mind. You’re invited to watch our See How Life Works series to discover the possibilities and processes for reclaiming your sovereign, eternal right to a happy life where you feel cared for, assured that you are safe, and your welfare secure. A spa for the soul indeed!

  • The Rewards of Reverence

    16/01/2016 Duration: 12min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Thirty years ago this weekend a group of 85 American "citizen diplomats" entered the Soviet Union and the adventure of a lifetime. One of many highlights was experiencing " reverence" first hand at a Russian Orthodox seminary, powerfully reminding us that choosing to revere all things is our highest and most rewarding calling. See How Life Works takes you by the hand and encourages your deepening into a happier, more rewarding and more reverent life - an adventure you don't want to miss!

  • The Nutritious Change To Your Thinking Diet

    09/01/2016 Duration: 12min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, At the beginning of each new year, diets loom large - no pun intended - on many people's minds. In addition, this year calls for a new "believing/thinking" diet. The #1 internet search on January 1 was "how to reduce stress." You've come to the right place because our videos are designed to do just that - and lots more! So enjoy your newly baked kale chips with a healthy dose of See(ing) How Life Works. And you're guaranteed to have the happiest year yet!

  • Welcome Your New Year Wakeup!

    02/01/2016 Duration: 12min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, We’re all advised to clean out and make a new start this time of year, but committing to WAKE up would be even more amazing! Even in the dreaming or hallucinating state we’re in, according to all teachings of non-duality, there is much we can do to advance toward a more delightful, peaceful, and abundant “happy dream.” Please join with us in this new year as we re-commit to practicing the art of waking up through being more open, accepting, and allowing. Everything changes in all aspects of our lives as we make peace of mind our single goal, out of which all else is given. Our See How Life Works videos will give you a head start with the awakening/healing process and we wish you nothing but the best as this lovely fresh year unfolds!

  • Reconnect the dots and experience rebirth!

    19/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, When we were young and the facts of the world presenting themselves, we associated ideas in ways that were false. For instance, we might have believed all cats were “girls” and all dogs were “boys” because we didn’t know any better. Those misconnected dots we easily discarded as we matured. However, we also connected dots back then about ourselves, our worth, and basic nature that we have NOT known how to explore, and thus, discard. So we’re asked to do that now. Look at the beliefs we put in place when we were very young and how 1) they are untrue and 2) are hurting us. Give yourself and the world a gift. Reconnect the dots (rewire your brain) and let your rebirth into Love and Light be your goal in this season of remembrance. Our See How Life Works series can speed you on your way to reconnecting those dots to bring you peace.

  • Life Always Keeps Us Pure And Clean...If We Choose To Notice

    04/12/2015 Duration: 10min

    Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Life is constantly presenting us with reminders of our loveliness and purity when that’s what we choose to notice. In this case, the presentation was at the top of Vail pass in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Come along on a winter camping trip to remember once again our purity and innocence, veiled from us (no pun intended) by our fear. Each new moment is as pristine as the new-fallen snow and we can always choose again how we will experience it - see ourselves and others in a more generous light and watch our lives miraculously and easily unfold before us. For more on how to make that all-important choice, give yourself the gift of our user-friendly See How Life Works videos. You’ll be glad you did!

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