The Swedish Audio Drama New Testament (SFB) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
?Matteus 2 - Matthew 2
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minJesu familj flyttar - Jesus' family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.
?Matteus 3 - Matthew 3
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minJohannes Döparen - Jesus' way is paved by John the baptist.
?Matteus 4 - Matthew 4
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minJesus är testad av Satan - Jesus is tested by Satan.
?Matteus 5 - Matthew 5
31/12/2009 Duration: 07minJesus - lycka och lagen - Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.
?Matteus 6 - Matthew 6
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus - showiness och oro - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.
?Matteus 7 - Matthew 7
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minProvidence och fruktbärande - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.
?Matteus 9 - Matthew 9
31/12/2009 Duration: 06minJesus helar och Matthew kallade - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
?Matteus 10 - Matthew 10
31/12/2009 Duration: 06minJesus sänder ut tolv lärjungar - Jesus sends out twelve disciples.
?Matteus 11 - Matthew 11
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus och Johannes Döparen - Jesus explains his relationship with the baptist.
?Matteus 12 - Matthew 12
31/12/2009 Duration: 08minJesus regler sabbaten och demonerna - Jesus rules the Sabbath and the demons.
?Matteus 13 - Matthew 13
31/12/2009 Duration: 09minJesus säger liknelser om rike - Jesus tells parables about the kingdom.
?Matteus 14 - Matthew 14
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus skapar mat & lugnar stormen - Jesus creates food and calms the storm.
?Matteus 15 - Matthew 15
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus undervisar om uppriktighet - Jesus teaches about sincerity.
?Matteus 16 - Matthew 16
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minJesus förutsäger kyrkan och hans död - Jesus predicts the church and his death.
?Matteus 17 - Matthew 17
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minJesus visas med Mose och Elia - Jesus appears with Moses and Elijah in glory.
?Matteus 18 - Matthew 18
31/12/2009 Duration: 06minJesus undervisar om förlåtelse - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.
?Matteus 19 - Matthew 19
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus lär om skilsmässa och rikedomar - Jesus teaches about divorce and about riches.
?Matteus 20 - Matthew 20
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJesus lär om kommande rike - Jesus teaches about the coming kingdom.