Women In Antitrust: Antitrust Across The Borders

  • Author: Verônica de Castro Lameira
  • Publisher: Editora Singular
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This is the first international book of the Women in Antitrust Network and we could not be more grateful for the opportunity to carry out this project and happier with the result. The ambition to organize a book written by women from different countries and nationalities rose from the success of the national book "Mulheres no Antitruste", which is already in its 6th edition, as well as from the WIA's dream of expanding the reach of its projects and introducing them to women from antitrust academic community outside Brazil.
Aiming to understand and pursue the most recent discussions on Antitrust Law in different jurisdictions, we invited brilliant authors to contribute with unpublished articles about topics they considered most relevant and pertinent. Furthermore, in order to cover even more recent topics, with subjects still under discussion, we included a section in the book dedicated to shorter and already published articles and papers in order to make the book updated and informative. Thus, the WIA Network's first international book brings new and relevant contributions to the academic antitrust community, while highlighting recent discussions, which can encourage readers to develop new studies and research. The authors were selected amongst women who are dedicated to understanding and resolving relevant issues of Antitrust Law and were essential to the achievement of this project.
To this end, this book went through a long process, taking two years of dedication from the WIA Academic Coordination. We have selected the invited authors, sent the invitations, organized the agendas to meet the authors' deadlines, chosen the articles already published – which make up the Session 2 of the book – and, finally, analyzed, reviewed, and edited the articles.