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LA 018: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Increase Engagement



A few weeks ago I recorded a podcast about the Power of Trust to Succeed and many people wrote and asked why it is that you can do something with the very best intentions but find that it backfires.It seems that it is very easy to lose someone's trust but oh so difficult to gain it back.Think of trust as a wallet full of cash.I know that it's rare to have such a thing, but imagine, OK?Say I have a couple of thousand bucks in various bills in my trust wallet. Every time I do or say something that causes you to lose faith in me, to lose your trust, for whatever reason, is like asking you to take whatever amount of cash out of my wallet.Of course, being a normal human being, you'll take the 100 dollar bills first.If, foolishly I hurt you in some way again, you'll take another chunk from my wallet. A third time and you'll probably take the wallet and empty it.Now I have no trust with you. Is there any way I can influence you if you don’t trust me? Of course not.[player]If you do not trust me, the only way I can g