Leadership Advantedge: Leadership | Influence | Talent | Neuroscience

LA 037: Are You using Your Talent?



In this week's episode, I'm asking you a tough question: Are you using your talent? If before that I asked you what you want from your life? It's possible that you would be just like the majority of my clients and tell me that you want to be happy and fulfilled. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And if you are using your talent, everyday, then that it going to be true. You will be happy and fulfilled. By the end of this podcast and article, you can honestly answer the questions I have at the end and decide if you want to leverage your talent in your current role. Let me start with a slightly different question: "Who's bag are you unpacking? A strange question you may think. What I'm really asking is, are you using your strengths and talents at work or are you doing something that is not your calling? Many of my individual coaching clients are going through a transition in their life. More than 70% are going through what we lovingly call a "mid-life crisis". And the saddest part about this is th