Geografia Humana

Nadales jamaicanes



Una manera diferent de desitjar-vos un bon Nadal... Això sí, amb les millors nadales a ritme de reggae! 01 -The Toasters -"War is over" 02 -Nygel -"Christmas style" 03 -Rabadab -"El dimoni escuat" 04 -Ska-J -"Nadal reggae" 05 -Giuliano Palma -"Santa Claus is coming to town" 06 -Yellowman -"Santa Claus never comes to the ghetto" 07 -Johnny Clarke -"I saw mammy kissing Santa Claus" 08 -The Jolly Boys -"Christmas a come" 09 -Beres Hammond -"Winter wonderland" 10 -Bryan Adams -"Reggae Christmas" 11 -Jacob Miller, Ray I, Inner Circle -"Wish you a Merry Christmas" 12 -The Penguins -"Nadal blanc" 13 -Owen Gray -"Christmas greetings" 14 -Levi Rootes & The Source -"Reggae reggae Christmas" 15 -Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers -"Long winter" 16 -Ricky Benn -"Joy to the world"