Good Life Project || Inspiration | Motivation | Happiness | Meaning | Success

Chip Conley | How To Reimagine Your Second Act (or third)



Chip Conley shares how the early seed of an idea around the deep wisdom and value and sharing, learning and potential for profound, intergenerational contribution led to the creation of what’s now become a global institution call the Modern Elder Academy with campuses in Baja Mexico and New Mexico, and programming that is building community and changing lives in amazing ways. By the way if you’re wondering why Chip's name might sound familiar, beyond earlier appearances on Good Life Project, he’s also a New York Times bestselling author, the hospitality maverick who first built and sold a boutique hotel chain, flatlined on stage while keynoting, then reclaimed and reimagined his life, stepping into help Airbnb's founders turn their fast-growing tech start-up into a global hospitality brand, all before founding the Modern Elder Academy. If you’re in a moment where you’re really thinking about what you want the next season of work and life and contribution to look and feel like, this is a don’t-miss episod