Eco Futures - Welcome to the New Generation of Planet Restoration

Modern Slavery: Food and Fashion Fail. Terry Fitzpatrick speaks about the history of slavery, regulation and law with Michelle Michels. Part 1 35 min listen



'Free The Slaves' is a front line organisation in the movement against slavery in Washington US. The world has NOT moved on from slavery which was abolished 150 years ago in the worlds western democracies. It's still exists and many of the products we wear and eat are by-products of exploitation.2020 was the 20 year anniversary if the abolition of slavery recognised in the of the Palermo Protocol (to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children). Palermo Protocol 2000 and the Treaty for Trafficking Victims Protections Act was enacted. Terry Fitzpatrick discusses these protocols.The Modern Slavery legislative regime introduced into Australia in January 2019 is a complex topic with historical references that go back centuries. Slavery has been an unfortunately been in existence for millennia. The culture of slavery is embedded in may civilisations and has complemented profit for the same amount of time. Battling the nefarious practice which undermines human rights and dig