Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

Essential Tips for First-Time Medtech CEOs: Interview with Dan Rose, CEO of LimFlow



I recently had the opportunity to interview Dan Rose, CEO of the French-based medtech company LimFlow. Founded in 2012, LimFlow transformed the peripheral vasculature space by providing a lifesaving option for end-stage critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) patients facing amputation. LimFlow is designed to restore blood flow to the ischemic foot via deep vein arterialization, thereby preventing major amputation, resolving pain, and promoting wound healing. Prior to assuming the role of CEO at LimFlow in August 2016, Dan had more than 16 years of leadership experience in the medical device and venture capital/startup sectors. Most recently, he was VP and General Manager EMEA for Direct Flow Medical, and VP of Commercial Operations and a Member of the Board at Sequana Medical, a Swiss medical device company. Norbert Juist, an executive recruiter who specializes in medical device sales and marketing, also joined me for this interview with Dan Rose. Norbert brings a unique perspective to this discussion, hav