Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

The Most Important Piece of Advice for Raising Medtech Venture Capital: Interview with Sean Saint, Founder of Companion Medical



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we caught up with Sean Saint, the CEO of Companion Medical, which recently sold to Medtronic. Sean has more than 20 years of engineering experience in medical devices and various start-ups. Here are a few topics we covered in this interview: How Sean and his team at Companion Medical came up with the idea for the InPen. Sean's advice for raising money from medtech investors. Companion Medical's insurance and reimbursement strategy for the InPen. There's definitely a lot more that we cover in this discussion, but before we jump in, I wanted to mention a few things:First, I’m trying something a little different with this next series of Medsider interviews, which will be focused entirely on stories from some of the most compelling medtech and healthtech startups across the globe. So here’s what’s different: I’ve asked these founders and CEOs to answer a series of questions, which I’ve converted to audio stories with the help of some professional voiceover artists. Think of thes