Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

Why You Can’t Build a Medtech Start-Up Without Publicity: Interview with Peter Vranes, CEO of Nutromics



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we caught up with chemical engineer and serial entrepreneur Peter Vranes, the Co-Founder and CEO of Nutromics, an Australian medtech company that is developing a digitally connected wearable patch to track molecular targets.Previously, Peter founded Biocore Technologies, which developed natural cosmeceutical skincare brands with distribution in 1,500 retailers throughout Australia. He had a successful exit in 2013.In this fun discussion, Peter explains how he learned to embrace publicity as a necessary part of doing business, why getting your device approved goes beyond government regulatory bodies, and the reason he never stops raising money. Before we jump into the conversation, I wanted to mention a few things:If you’re into learning from proven medtech and healthtech leaders, and want to know when new content and interviews go live, head over to and sign up for our free newsletter. You’ll get access to gated articles, and lots of other interesting healthcare