The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

131: New Year Special – Releasing the Old and Setting Your Intentions



So, how are your New Year’s resolutions going? Are you keeping up with them or have you already let them fall by the wayside? We’ll let you in on a secret: it’s about intentions, not resolutions. And we’re here to help you get back on track to manifesting your desires. The common misconception is that manifesting is hard—that in order to make your dreams come true you have to strive and stress. But the truth is, manifesting and getting set on your course to success simply requires courage and the ability to release. By letting go, you suddenly begin attracting the life you really want. Here are our five steps to setting your intention: 1 – Get clear No wishful thinking. Get very specific about what you want to create and manifest. What do you want to achieve, by when? 2 – Detach Don’t be dependent on the outcome; know that the Universe may provide what you’ve asked for in a package different to how you’d imagined. Detach from the outcome and allow yourself to receive what comes without judgement. 3 – C