Tarot Visions

#132: Happy Yule 2018



Happy winter holidays everyone! Rose and Jaymi discuss their Yule/Solstice plans and talk about what this time of the year means to them. Rose plans to do some readings, and stay up all night on solstice day. She also will be attending a coven gathering where they swap presents. Rose endorses celebrating the holiday season by buying from local, and small business companies, like Izzy Swanson’s etsy store where she got some wonderful incense.  Jaymi still isn’t sure what the winter holidays mean to her. She’s searching for the balance between all that goes on. Jaymi did get to swap readings on a wonderful solstice spread created by Callie French. In addition to being a wonderful artist (she illustrated the Rana George Lenormand and the 2019 Readers Studio poster), Callie runs the Tarot Bistro page on Facebook. You can read more about what Jaymi’s reading said by visiting Inner Compass Tarot. Jaymi also did another Solstice Reading from Joanna Powell Colbert’s eNewsletter. You can view this reading on this page