Calm Pills - Relaxing Uplifting Music

All That Blooms Must Fall


Synopsis "One autumn day I was in the park. Absorbed in the contemplations of a very small, beautiful leaf 🍁. Shaped like a heart, it was barely hanging on the branch, nearly ready to fall down. I asked the leaf if it was frightened because it was autumn and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me, “No. During the whole spring and summer I was completely alive. I worked hard to help nourish the tree, and now much of me is in the tree. I am not limited by this form. I am also the whole tree, and when I go back to the soil, I will continue to nourish the tree. So I don’t worry at all. As I leave this branch and float to the ground, I will wave to the tree and tell her, ‘I will see you again very soon.’" ― From Like a leaf by Thich Nhat Hanh Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this