Christian Living Radio Ministry

Stinkin Thinkin Day 19 - 8_15_16, 11



DAY 19 – “I've tried to Change This Area of My Life and just can’t."Today we are continuing to get Rid of thoughts that say, "I've tried to Change This Area of My Life and just can’t."We all have those areas in our lives that just seem to be too hard and even impossible to change—it could be a habit, an attitude, our weight something I have struggled with myself, or even a relationship. Let’s made a claim that it all ends today! REMEMBER WE ARE GETTING RID OF STINKIN’ THINKIN'we are getting rid of Stinkin’ thinking! Today we’re doing just that! When we get rid of our stinkin’ thinking, with God we can change anything! The Bible says, As a man thinks, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)