Csu Ramscast

85: CSU - Air Force preview, Men's Cross Country are MW Champs



In this edition of your CSU Rams Cast, we focus on the preview of the Colorado State - Air Force Falcons football game on Saturday. That game kicks off at 1 p.m. MT, a fan-friendly kickoff time for all, and it includes a ton of pregame and in-game festivities.We discuss the phenomenal effort Colorado State and AD Joe Parker are putting together to engage fans -- like a "bring your sign to the game" contest for students -- and much more. So, get the details on all that before we get into the actual preview of the game.That preview includes the shocking and awesome numbers Air Force puts up -- like 341.5 rushing yards per game, fifth-best in all of college football -- and a lot more. Who should you, as a Rams fan, watch from Air Force's side? Well, quarterback Arion Worthman is a no-brainer, and we highlight a bunch more on offense as well as defense. What do the Rams have to do to win this one and start conference play 5-0? We detail that too. Then, at the end of the podcast, we get to a bunch more Mountain We