Csu Ramscast

130: Bobo ranked, O'Brien visits FoCo, Colby Meeks interview on o-line and more



In this offseason edition of your CSU Rams Cast, there's a ton to cover. Especially concerning the Colorado State Football team.Players are coming to town -- like Patrick O'Brien -- and leaving Fort Collins, too -- Nicho Garcia. We look at how Garcia's departure hurts the offensive line, which could be the weakest link on the Rams football team in 2018\. That includes an interview with new center Colby Meeks and how he's transitioning into the position. We also examine how O'Brien's addition would impact the Rams in the near future.More football news continues as Mike Bobo was ranked 6th-best coach in the Mountain West. You, stalwart Rams fans chimed in on that today on Twitter; your reactions and more. Preston Williams seems to be on track to play this fall, and there were 11 Next Level Rams who were either drafted, signed as UDFAs or invited to rookie camps by NFL teams.Also, CSU - CU and the Rocky Mountain Showdown may continue in 2023-24, we talk some basketball with a meet-and-greet with Niko Medved sche