Ignorance Was Bliss

016 -- Floating Down the River Cortisol on the Isle of Freakout -- anxiety, phobia, panic, Generalized Anxiety Disorder



Anxiety is what happens when your nerves give the finger to your sense of logic.   Somehow that felt profound to me, during the editing process. I don't know. I spent more time with this episode -- living it, then overthinking it, then editing, blah blah -- than any previous one. I'm losing perspective.   But I know just how common, just how pervasive, just how absolutely miserable anxiety is, and in this episode, many of my friends, fellow podcasters and listeners chimed in to prove it. I opted not to share anyone's name, because somehow that sense of anonymity felt more profound, too. Feel free to identify yourself, if so inclined. I'm not opposed to it, I just wanted to be able to share everyone's story in the same way. (Except for the last guest. That's my husband. Isn't he a sweetheart?)   I was heading up to face my biggest, nastiest, snarliest, scariest fear -- the dentist, because while I do take it the extra mile, I couldn't be bothered to find a unique or uncommon phobia -- and I asked people to sha