Love Via Hashem

E030 - Put in Effort, Build Emunah (Faith), and go into the Promised Land



It’s a shame that the Israelites did not have the Emunah to walk into the Promised Land, but in choosing not to, they pointed to a common trait that we all have. We have the inclination, the propensity, the yetzer hara (the flesh) to choose the wrong thing sometimes. And, unfortunately that can be more often than not. What decisions in your life, have had you picking something that was safe and easy, just because the task or the situation appeared daunting. I remember when there was an occasion when I saw a young Asian couple. I am studying Vietnamese, so there was a chance that I could practice my language with them and level up in a way. But, doing so would have made me uncomfortable, and that idea of discomfort kept me from starting that conversation, which in turn, led to me being able to use that story to encourage you …. To not do the same!!! Remember that the opposite of pain is comfort, and pleasure can be obtained... through effort, which often takes the form of pain. So, get uncomfortable, and go ou