Love Via Hashem

E034 - How to Accept Responsibility, Our Connective Bond



Yea … in a way, all of our mistakes are our own fault. We can’t say that the devil made me do it, nor can we say that Gd made me do it. Taking thought of how we got into the mess, and prayerfully developing a strategy to get out, we can learn to take responsibility and grow from the experience. G-d always intends that we grow somehow, so this is definitely a way towards that happening. When we share we become one with each other. This is how the communion operates, as well as eating in general. Think of eating like heightening the spiritual connective tissues that bond us to everything involved in that thing. This means a bond with those sharing in that nourishment and our bond to that thing that we’re consuming, as well as with what that thing represents. It’s like how the old saying goes “you are what you eat!” LVH 34, Torah 17, 1 Cor 10 Part 3 DONATING or SHARING …. The two biggest things that you can do if you want to support and/or be involved in some way. I want to keep doing this, and with your he