In Research Of

S03E21 - Ghostly Stakeout



Jeb and Blake drag Alex French back into the studio to endure a "ghostly stakeout" with the sultry voiced Sylvia Browne. Haunted Lives (Tobe Hooper, Nimoy, Sylvia Browne) The Dead Files - S01E09 Scandal in the South (episode set in Blake's hometown of Cartersville, GA) 1972 Akai Video Camera Sylvia Browne - self-proclaimed psychic - and she started a church!   Site of first "haunting" in renovated farmhouse (which burned in the 1980s) Near the village of Jenner   Antoinette May, freelance journalist, who worked the episode cases and co-wrote with Browne   Adventures of a Psychic: The Fascinating and Inspiring True Life Story of One of America's Most Successful Clairvoyants Nick Nocerino