Of Note

31: Bob Brown, Creating a Culture of Innovation



Today, there are two jobs available per every unemployed person. With many of those open positions falling in the skilled labor industry, how is anything getting made? That’s where global automation innovator, Integrated Systems, Inc. comes in. If the job is dull, dirty or dangerous, ISI sees opportunity for automation. Leading companies from Tesla to John Deere, bring ISI into their plants to help automate operation systems to improve efficiency. They develop customized solutions for each client, innovating robotically-based tools to integrate into the manufacturing process. Originally a welding integrator, ISI evolved from a company specializing in custom machinery to eventually become the global supplier of robotically-based automation systems that they are today. Bob Brown, the owner of ISI, has a unique strategy to inspire consistent creativity and innovation within his team and keep the company and its sustainable solutions evolving. In this episode of Of Note, listen as Bob Brown joins our hosts Kim C