Tenacious Living Network

Timeless Teachings | From Chaos To Clarity - Tenacious Living Network



From Chaos To Clarity – Creating A Business From Your Passion What are we going to learn from this interview: The key elements to create clarity for your business message. How to give your prospects what they really WANT, instead of what they need. How to stay focused, on track and heading in the right financial direction. Simon is a leading marketing and branding consultant working with passionate coaches, authors and consultants who want specific marketing strategies and guidance in order to serve more people. Meet Simon Jordan In his late 20s and on a death wish, Simon Jordan weighed 23 stone (322 lbs), he was binge eating and drinking and on drugs. Then 18 months later after making a decision to change his life around he now weighed 13 stone (182 lbs) and finished the London Marathon at 3hrs 45 minutes and now clean from drugs and drink. Jump[...] The post Timeless Teachings | From Chaos To Clarity appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.