This Is Why

The possibility of endemic COVID



We've all become familiar with the term 'pandemic,' and may know what an 'epidemic' is, but the term 'endemic' is maybe less widely known. But it's certainly widely-experienced. On this episode of This Is Why, we look at the factors at play that could turn COVID-19 from a pandemic into an endemic disease. Contact: Adam Toy - @Adam_Toy on Twitter Dave McIvor - @d_mac1519 on Twitter This is Why - @ThisIsWhy on Twitter Email us - Guests: Cynthia Carr, epidemiologist and founder of EPI Research Inc. Episode Resources: "Canada to face COVID-19 like yearly endemic flu due to variants, expert says" on "‘When will it end?’: New data suggests COVID-19 could become endemic" on "The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means" from Nature