Exchanges At Goldman Sachs

The Future of Finance



Heath Terry and Ryan Nash, analysts in Global Investment Research at Goldman Sachs, explore how the twin forces of regulation and technology are opening the door for a new and expanding class of competitors aiming to shake up financial services. This episode was recorded on June 3, 2015. This podcast should not be copied, distributed, published or reproduced, in whole or in part. The information contained in this podcast does not constitute research or a recommendation from any Goldman Sachs entity to the listener. Neither Goldman Sachs nor any of its affiliates makes any representation or warranty, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in this podcast and any liability therefor (including in respect of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) is expressly disclaimed. The views expressed in this podcast are not necessarily those of Goldman Sachs, and Goldman Sachs is not providing any financial, economic, legal, accounting or tax ad