Logos Bible Study

Who Does Jesus Think He Is?



When we are born into this world, we begin the pilgrimage of life; when we step out of this world, we complete the journey, arriving at our destination. Like any pilgrimage, our journey of life is a process of self-discovery, of seeking answers to fundamental questions: “Who am I?” “Where do I belong?”, “What am I supposed to do?” Like all of us, Jesus — in the fullness of his humanity — faced the same questions we face. When did Jesus truly know who he was, where he belonged in God’s plan, and what his role was to be? In this week’s podcast, Dr. Creasy explores Jesus’s self-identity and how he came to know himself. Plus, Dr. C answers listeners' questions: Many Protestant denominations teach the doctrine of “once saved, always saved.” Is there such a thing as eternal security? Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is the catalyst for the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem to arrest Jesus and demand his crucifixion. It is a crucial event in John’s gospel. Yet, Lazarus is never even mentioned in Matthew, Ma