Logos Bible Study

Easter Special: Reflections on Jesus’ Resurrection



As Holy Week is the pinnacle of the liturgical year, Easter is the pinnacle of Holy Week. Easter remembers and celebrates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The resurrection is the central event of Christianity, for without Jesus’ physical, bodily resurrection, Christianity is a fraud, either a deliberate lie or a naïve delusion. Christianity stands or falls on the literal, physical, bodily resurrection of Christ. So, what evidence do we have that Jesus’ resurrection actually occurred? And Dr. Creasy answers listeners' questions: Who do you think wrote Revelation? Is there evidence that John the gospel writer wrote it? Is there evidence that the writer knew Jesus personally? What do you think the writer of Revelation would think about today’s readings, interpretations and applications of his/her book? In your teaching of Exodus you say that the “golden calf” is an image or icon of the Egyptian goddess Hathor. In another place you refer to the golden calf as Apis. Which is it?