Logos Bible Study

In the Footsteps of St. Paul



Dr. Creasy is leaving this week with 38 of his intrepid Logos students on a teaching tour of Greece, walking (and sailing) “in the footsteps of St. Paul.” Teaching tours to the Holy Land and the Mediterranean world are an integral part of the “Logos experience,” for teaching Scripture onsite, where the stories actually occur, adds color, tone and texture to the narratives. When you read the Bible today, you read it in black-and-white—black letters on a white page—but after traveling with Dr. Creasy to the sites where the stories take place, you’ll read the Bible in Technicolor! This week’s Podcast is an introduction to St. Paul and to some of the sites Dr. Creasy and his students will be visiting. At each site Dr. Creasy will record his teaching, and you’ll hear it right here on Scripture Uncovered over the next several weeks! So, stay tuned . . . and tell a friend!