Logos Bible Study

On the Road with Logos, Pt. 1 - “St. Paul Meets Lydia and her Friends”



Dr. Creasy just arrived in Greece with his intrepid Logos students, traveling “In the Footsteps of St. Paul.” Their first stop is Philippi, where St. Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke set foot on the continent of Europe for the first time. In St. Paul’s day, Philippi was a Roman Garrison town, and there were not even ten Jewish men there to form a synagogue, St. Paul’s typical starting place for his missionary work in a new city. So, what to do? Ah, ha! Go down by the Zyagtis River on the Sabbath, and perhaps there will be some god-fearing people there praying. And sure enough, St. Paul meets Lydia and her friends “down by the riverside,” and they become St. Paul’s first converts on the continent of Europe! In the second segment of the Podcast, Dr. Creasy and his adventurers continue exploring Philippi, including the 5,000-seat Greco-Roman theater, the Agora and the prison where St. Paul and Silas cooled their heels after being arrested and flogged! This podcast was recorded live in Philippi, Greece!