Logos Bible Study

The Blessed Man



After last week’s episode on “The Big Lie”—that success brings happiness—Dr. Creasy continues thinking about the problem, arriving at a very simple solution . . . thanks to advice from a very old and wise man. Plus, we have an audio question from Frances in New Zealand on the origin of evil. Also, this week we are launching a campaign on Patreon, a wonderful service that allows patrons (that's you!) to support creators (that's us!). Visit www.patreon.com/scripture to find out more. In exchange for your support (for as little as $10 - $20 a month), you will get access to all kinds of Logos Bible Study material, including free courses in the Logos Online Classroom. The first 50 supporters on Patreon will get free access to Dr. Creasy's live Webinar in September.