Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast

S6, Episode 12 - What Is The 3 Percent Rule?



“Retirement is the only time in your life when time no longer equals money.” this is a saying that I’ve read before — as I’m sharing it with you today to be inspired and to keep you motivated from grinding, learning to invest, and growing your business even more. Perhaps, you are worried about the future and asking questions to yourself if “Can I retire at the age of 45, 50, or 60?” or  “is my investment enough for me and my family’s expenses?” So, I’ll be answering your thoughts by making you understand the rule of thumb which can help you today and for your future.  In this episode, you will… Know more about the 3% rule What does it take to retire? Understand how to outlive your assets What if you earn more than 3%? Pencil out your expenses The best part of retirement is time with your family and grandchildren.   If you have more questions about this you can email me at   For all the show notes, and more, check out the podcast website at www.doctorfreedompodca