Tenacious Living Network

Timeless Teachings | Pushing The Reset Button - Tenacious Living Network



Pushing The Reset Button Linda Easthouse spells out all the do’s and don’ts of this modern society for you in simple, easy-to-understand terms, sharing with you her extensive knowledge of everything from toxins that are lurking in our cupboards and medicine cabinets, which we should replace with healthier choices, to delicious foods we have been brainwashed into rejecting that are actually good for us! She lays out a plan to de-stress your day and put you back in control of your life. Find out more at http://easthousecentre.com/ The Want to enjoy more of Carrie-Ann‘s interviews with inspirational and successful people from diverse field of expertise and holistic health interests? Listen to her other Timeless Teachings Vault episodes and find the inspiration you need to live a happier, healthier and better life! Here are other episodes you’d love: Law of Attraction Through The Eyes of The Universe Changing Lenses The Wrong[...] The post Timeless Teachings | Pushing The Reset Button appeared first on Tenacious