The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Mary Byrne & Mark Atkin of Fluoride Action Network



What society would buy toxic waste that is banned in Europe and especially from the country of origin, Belgium and then drip feed it into 60% of another countries public water supply? If that was done to you in your country would you be outraged? Well, you may have to experience this feeling, because the FANNZ spokes people state that this is happening to the people of NZ. That we are paying Belgium for their toxic waste and we are basically sabotaging the health of the local population here. Meanwhile, the two main supporters of fluoridation in the USA, the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control warn not to use fluoridated water for infant milk formula. This message is not been communicated to parents here in NZ. Listen to a very revealing interview about the state of our drinking water in 60% of NZ homes. With the Department of Health aiming to have more fluoridation be piped into more kiwi dwellings. Mary Byrne & Mark Atkin Fluoride Action Network @