The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tuma Hazou ~ Palestinian, Middle East Analyst



“The Palestinian/Israeli conflict.”Who are Hamas? And what about Fatah (and who are the Hezbollah?) Have Jews and the Palestinians become victims of Zionism? Born and educated in Jerusalem. Joined BBC Arabic Services in London. Radio TV Journalist, Filmmaker in Jordan, contributing to the BBC, UPI, ABC, and Special advisor to Prince Hassan, then Crown Prince of Jordan. Plus, UNICEF’s regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa in Amman, as Chief of Information and External Relations. As the victors always write the historical record, it has only been very recently that the global public realise that there has been broken agreements in what was Palestine. That to the fair minded, it is obvious in the extreme, that where once the Palestinians owned 94% of what is now seen as Israel, and the Jewish People 6%, this has been virtually reversed as a result of political manipulation. Today, Palestinians are ignored, poor and desperate for justice and the basics of life, and yet the global media has not been