The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dr Mels Barton on the Ecology of a Supercity, Governance and Democracy



Listen to a clear and lucid understanding of what the many grass roots and volunteer groups are doing to make New Zealand sustainable and the excellent work they do, what charitable trusts support them, and how local government needs more consciousness to see that an ecological approach to environment, health and community are critical to where we are going as a nation.That at a national level, the Government still sees the environment as 'something' to exploit, when for example, in England, Marks and Spencer (the huge super store) has gone sustainable and is producing larger profits, because of going more into organics and a healthier lifestyle.On top of this the NZ Resource Management Act is perceived as woolly, in that there are no numbers in it, no targets, or standards, and that we are 20 years behind Europe in writing and complying with policy, when in fact we could be the planetary leader! Finally, an exceptionally clear summary about the Supercity, Governance and Loss of Democracy. Plus, what is the S