The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Lisa Er interviews Tim Lynch on Gaian perspectives and possibilities



Discussing his perceptions of our great sustainer our planet, the biosphere and a deeper look at  sentience as well as animism, including new information that all minerals on earth are evolving and that essentially everything in existence is evolving.Progressing the possible transition of our earth society awakening and embracing a broader awareness both on the inner and outer planes and actually shifting to become a high energy, synergistic, co-operative and co-creative society.Called the Noosphere, Greek for 'MindSphere' that Teilhard de Chardin the visionary Jesuit, evolutionist envisioned, that humanity upon awakening to higher aspirations and virtues, 'consciously' break free from the inextricable economic, ecological and societal malaise that we face on earth today and enter a new realm of being. As climate change becomes more obvious we humans have entered majorly into the equation and in 2,500 years have gone from 250 million people, to 7 billion plus. Our economic juggernaut has now cut down huge swa