The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Wayne Hope - AUT Auckland University of Technology Associate Professor in Communications Studies



Who owns and who controls the media in New Zealand?Covering: The historical perspective, from private and governmental control to privatization?History of media, early Maori newspapers, wealthy family owned papers in main cities and eventually union owned newspapers. To print media today and by extension web sites.Then radio and TV their evolution that along with print media is now basically in the hands of about 5 owners and an increasing concentration into fewer hands. Other than TV NZ and Radio NZ, virtually all large media is overseas owned. Alternative media what’s happening? The internet where is it going? Censorship in the past and today? Programming and are we being desensitised and programed? Overlapping into telecommunications, via telephones, computers and morphing into electronic espionage and security issues.How can we encourage NZers to look for optimistic and solution oriented community news?What is the outlook on the future regarding mass communications and media, including electronic contro