The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Phil Stevens on Complimentary Currencies & Alternative Economies in NZ



Why are alternative and complimentary currencies on this GreenplanetFM program being constantly emphasized?  The reason is very clear, the global economic system is out of control, with bankers out of New York and London calling the shots (assisted by acquiescing politicians), and are printing money at will, leveraging bonds, hedge funds, derivatives, promissory notes and every sneaky, cunning ploy of chicanery being fostered on the unknowing public.These snake oil banksters and hucksters are out to CON everyone who is unknowing, implying that everything is REALLY OK, that it is all under control, nothing to worry about - just keep buying.  It's called keeping the status quo alive in an unsustainable consumptive and dishonest economy.And you will never hear a squeak out of the Government, or any Government. Mums the word!  (Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act 1, Scene 2:' Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.'?However, if things do slide and quickly and funds become scarce and money is in short supply,