The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dr Jim Salinger Global Warming Yet, hot days / cool nights over last summer. A revealing interview!



Dr Jim Salinger: Global Warming, his new book, 'Living in a Warmer World' covering NZ Rainfall, Sea Levels, Glaciers, Fisheries, Soils and Crops etcEx head of NIWA NZ's National Institute of Water and Atmosphere as well as a member of, IPCC, and UN Climate Recipient for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007.This interview also stretches the boundaries of Government action and inaction, Media and denial, having a holistic view point, including questions of geo engineering and chemtrails.NOTE: Expression of predisposition. I do believe that our planet is warming, and in fever, as per the auditory Gaian introduction to this particular program. (Tim).This interview is a critical overview of most of the challenges coming to face the 7 billion plus of humanity including the mega trillions of biota in our biosphere.Our planet Gaia's, fever at present is such that she is shivering and icing up again at the North and South Poles, but towards both the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn our planet is increasingly suffering from heat w